I think he knows

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 This chapter is a memory from when Adri and Sam were in their Freshman year of High school. Enjoy!! XOXO

Adri was often left alone when Bobby went on hunts. When she was younger, she'd stay with a neighbor. But as she grew older and became more self-reliant, she was on her own unless John dropped Sam, sometimes Dean, off at Bobby's too.

Adri had been reading up on the possible creatures Bobby could be up against when the doorbell rang. She answered the door, excited to see her closest friends.

"Sam!" Adri exclaimed, hugging her fellow freshman. He hadn't grown much since the last time they'd seen each other but he had a growth spurt coming up. "Where's Dean?"

"How did you know he's coming?" Sam asked, suspiciously.

"umm, I don't know. A feeling?" Adri tried to brush it off. She wasn't good at lying to Sam. Of the two Winchester brothers, she'd spent more time with Sammy than Dean. Sam was her best friend. They knew each other's tells. She let Sam in but pulled off her socks and went to find Dean.

Adri peeked her head around the garage, spotting Dean arguing with who she could only assume was John on the phone.

"You should have backup, Adri and Sam can watch out for each other. " She watched Dean flinch and sigh in reluctant agreement. "Yes sir," he stated. He closed his cell phone and kicked the side of the garage, furious.

"Y'know, there are old abandoned cars here that you can take this anger out on," Adri teased. Dean turned around sharply, a smile settling on his face when he saw her.

"Hey Princess," he greeted.

"Hi, De." She ran forward, surprising him with a hug.

"Woah, miss me much?" But his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her tighter than she was him.

"Of course I missed you, I missed both of my boys."

"Well, I'm ninety percent sure there's glass out here and you're barefoot so why don't we get you inside?" He proposed.

"Sounds good, do you want some apple pie? I made it last night."

"Oh, you are sweet music to my ears," Dean smirked. "Yes, I would love some pie."


Adri was working on her summer project when Sam came to join her later that night. The book she'd been assigned to read was Animal Farm by George Orwell, the classic. Adri hated the reality the book portrayed. Her stomach dropped when the leader was ruthless about sending off the "weak" ones.

"I hate this book," She complained. Her nose twitched in annoyance as she glared at the writing assignment laid out in front of her. Sam chuckled at her, realizing she was asking for help without asking for help. She was stubborn that way.

"Hmm, okay. What is the question?"

"What are three key themes in Animal Farm?" Adri showed him the paper.

"Okay, well, what do you think they are?" He looked up at her, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. Sam had realized long ago that Adri's eyes are her tell. If she was scared, he could see it in her eyes. If she was angry or happy and so on. He knew her eyes were how to tell what she felt. Right now, she seemed frustrated and stumped. "So, one of the themes I've noticed in the book is the corruption of ideals. The group starts out with a strong, moral purpose but as their leader takes more control, the ideals of the group became corrupt." Sam started, watching her intently as she seemed to catch on.

"So, another key theme could be totalitarianism. Or," she gasped and excitedly hit Sam's arm. " The power of language. That's the whole point of this. Nothing in the book could have happened if they couldn't communicate with each other." Adri grabbed her pencil and hurriedly began to write her three-page essay over the themes. Sam bumped her knee with his and pulled his own summer book out of his backpack.

"Thank you, Sam," Adri mumbled, still writing furiously.

"No problem Adds." He replied, also beginning to write his own answers.

"What are you nerds up to?" Dean asked, walking into Bobby's study where the two freshmen were working.

"Stupid Summer assignments," Adri answered. She loved learning but she did not see the point of having summer assignments that were overcomplicated and took a ridiculous amount of time out of her summer. She had been planning on working with Bobby on many more hunts but he had forced her to stay at Sioux Falls because of the amount of summer schoolwork. It really limited her training and exposure to a life she had practically idolized since she was a little girl.

"They aren't that bad, Adri," Sam stated. She put her pencil down and turned to face him.

"Says you, I have been stuck on this essay for three days! I have to turn in ten essays and a posterboard that is designed to 'Capture the essence of this book," Adri countered. Dean looked appalled at the amount of work she was responsible for.

"Okay, that's bad. I just have to fill out this packet and annotate the book," Sam relented, also putting his pencil down.

"Hang on, Adri, aren't you in honors?" Dean asked. She nodded mournfully.

"Bobby thinks it'll help me get into college," Adri replied.

"Do you want to go to college?" The older Winchester wondered.

"I don't know," She answered truthfully. "On one hand, I'd love to continue my education but if it is this much work, I'm dropping out." Dean chuckled before he jumped from his phone ringing. He left the room to answer. "What about you Sam? Do you want to go to college?"

Sam looked at the door Dean had just exited as if to make sure he didn't hear. Once he seemed sure Dean wasn't listening, he nodded. "I want to. I think I'd like to do something with my life that doesn't require me to hide from the law for the rest of it."

"That's fair. Do you know what exactly you'd like to do?" Adri questioned gently, sensing he wanted to talk about it but maybe he and Dean had gotten into a fight about it. She

"I think a teacher or a lawyer," Sam answered.

"I think you would be great in either one of those." The two shared a smile, feeling completely comfortable in each other's presence.

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