Talk about Oversleeping

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A.N. ( we're going to say that episodes two and three took two weeks to happen because that's how it needs to work out for the story)

When Adri woke up, expecting to have to get ready to work at the roadhouse and listen to Ash's complaining about his hangover but overall have a good day, she realized she was not in her bed. Not the one she had fallen asleep in behind the Roadhouse. She woke up in a hospital room, with cords and an IV bag attached to her.

"Owl? You awake?" She hears a gruff voice and realizes that she's not alone in the white room. She smiles when she sees the familiar flannel and ball cap.

"Bobby." She hadn't expected her voice to be hoarse considering it hadn't been that long since she had fallen asleep. Unless it had. She looked into the mirror and saw flashing images of Jo calling 9-1-1 reporting a friend not waking up. Adri saw Ellen running down the hospital halls to find the girl she demanded was her daughter and needed to see her. She saw Ash telling Bobby what had happened with Jo nearly in tears and Ellen clutching herself. Ellen and Bobby had been good friends with her parents,

"It's like we're losing them all over again Bobby." Ellen managed out. She wasn't crying, Ellen was too tough for that, but she was aching for the girl in the white bed to wake up so she could scold her for not setting the alarm clock.

"Adri," Bobby started, effectively snapping Adri out of her visions. " What do you remember?" He was gripping her hand so tight she thought it might turn blue due to lack of circulation. He looked at her intently, hoping she knew who she was. The doctor had warned them that she could possibly not know but she knew his name so she had to remember something right?

"Everything, except for why I'm in here. I remember going to sleep after my shift in the Roadhouse. What happened?" Jo, Ellen, and Ash burst in with four cups of coffee.

"Hey kiddo, you're awake. Ash, why don't you go fetch the doctor, it will be easier if we do this that way." Ash nodded and left briskly.

"How long have I been here?" Adri asked. The three shifted uncomfortably before Jo responded.

"You've been in the hospital for two weeks. You went to bed one night and the next your heart stopped. We had to call the ambulance." She explained, hoping to not make Adri panic. "We thought it might have something to do with your unique abilities." Adri furrowed her eyebrows.

"My what?" As she spoke, the doctor walked in with Ash trailing behind. He rushed to the clipboard as if to clarify his thoughts of who she was and what her condition was, but even she didn't know what her condition was.

"Good afternoon Miss Jackson! Boy, you gave us quite a heart attack! Y'know you've been my favorite patient all year." He spoke cheerily, unaware of the glares his bad pun acquired.

"Well, could you please tell me what happened?" She spoke politely, but she felt impatient. What abilities? But as she thought about who she was, the memories came back. Her powers, the ones her mother had called a gift. Oh. She didn't miss not remembering her mother for a minuscule amount of time and that made her feel guilty but she brushed it off. She needed to focus on the now.

"So you have suffered from three heart attacks in the past two weeks. Yet there is no plaque filling your arteries, your blood pressure is normal and you seem to be in excellent health. You don't seem to have been taking any drugs that could have caused them so really your condition is a medical phenomenon. Now your Uncle here said that this has happened once in your entire medical history. But after we do some tests, you should be free to go. I know you must be dying to get back home." The doctor chuckled at his joke then frowned when he was the only one. "Anyway, any questions?"

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