Clean Up

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Adri ran to catch up with Cassie who had found Amy wearing the same outfit as Adri. Although she was doing some heavy breathing, gripping her stomach.

  "She's having the baby!" Cassie panicked.

   "Whoa, chill out Cassie. Deep breath, okay, you've given birth before haven't you? I promise it'll be okay. You stay here with her. From the looks of it," Adri paused to examine her, using her research knowledge and recent google answers in her mind to understand where the woman was at. "It seems she's still at the beginning of labor. You stay with her and I'm going to go call 911." Cassie had calmed down enough to nod and sit by her friend, holding her hand. 

  Adri ran out to where Courtney was and rummaged in her pockets to find a phone. Actually, all of the kidnapped women's phones were on her which was rather stupid. "Okay, where's my phone?" She asked aloud to no one. Her eyes flashed gold, and a golden ray left the tip of her finger and led to hers. The huntress picked it up easily, moving to call 911, but her finger hesitated. The authorities lead to unwanted attention. But Amy needs the paramedics. They don't need any more supernatural in their world. She dialed 911 and reported the whereabouts. Then Adri scouted along to find an exit and kept the first responder on the phone. She finally found the door to the apparently abandoned warehouse inside an old building next to the building for therapy.  The paramedics were on their way so Adri ran back to the two women, one of who was progressively getting closer to having a baby. Cassie helped Amy up, Adri got on the other side, and they slowly walked Amy out to the entrance. 

  "You know what I still don't get? Why did the crazy bitch think we needed a wardrobe change? I mean I look fine in ninety percent of things but-"

  "It wasn't a fashion reason. Well, how she did the outfits might've been fashionable but it is for the sacrifice. One who was getting the life would be wearing black, and one who was giving the life would be wearing white. It's symbolism and guides the magic." Adri explained. 

  "Oh. Well, guess we get to keep the outfits and look gorgeous in the newspaper." Cassie teased, her tough-girl demeanor popping back up as a photographer neared the entrance. Adri saw the blinding flash, the next thing she knew was paramedics were rushing Amy to the hospital, Cassie following in hot pursuit, a sheriff's deputy attempting to interview, and two familiar voices faintly. 

  "You're an angel, how the hell did you not know she was kidnapped?!" Lee Jackson argued.

  "Says the scumbag who supposedly tracked her here. There was a block from me, you could have had a clear shot of knowing!" Gabriel countered. The two were about to get physical when Adri decided she should step in. 

  "Hey Gabby, how's your day been?" She asked innocently, pretending to not hear the argument. 

 "Oh dad, Adri, you're okay!" Gabriel rushed to her to give her a once over then once he saw she was okay, squeezed her tightly. 

  "I'm so sorry, I should've been there. I should've known." He apologized, guilt heavy in his eyes. 

 "Yes, yes you should have." Lee agreed snarky. Adri glared at Lee.

  "You don't get to say anything. It's your fault mom died and you didn't come to find me after that." Adri snapped, losing her cool. "Why did you even come back now?"

  "I told you, I've been searching-"

   "Yeah, yeah, we know you've been searching for forever, answer her question,"  Gabriel answered, his stance tense. 

   "You know what, we should get back to the motel. There are too many reporters around here to be arguing about angels and magical abilities." Adri turned to Lee for the keys to his car which she saw just around the corner of the therapy building. 

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