✿London✿ ( Play the song when you see the (*)

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As we drive away i see my friends looking as i leave and never see them again.  My brother makes fun of me as i lean over and put my head on the window, "My names Y/n and ill never see my friends again sob😭" Shut up leo! I said i push him away and put my headphones in. I start playing my Spotify playlist. * Time skip)
We are about to arrive to London And i still have my headphones in so nobody bothers me. I just want to be home at MY house and not here. We get to our new house and its okay, It will take some getting used to.. I unbuckle my seatbelt and take my headphones out, As i grab my bag and walk inside I look around and find my room. I put my things down and put my phone on a chair that was in the room, Ew I say to myself , Its a bit dusty.. I start getting out my clothes and putting them up, I put all my shoes in my closet. I plop down on the bed and look at the ceiling for awhile, God i wish i was not here.  I miss my friends and this new house is.. Dark and.. Dirty. What was my dad and mom thinking ? Ill just get up and look around i guess. The walls are grey with spider webs in the corner, The floors creak every step i take .. But im so tired and i have school tomorrow. Hi hunny! How are you? My mom says while shes unpacking.  Im doing okay, Im super tired and a little scared about school tomorrow. Dont be sweetheart! You will be just fine. You will meet new friends and have fun. I think im just gonna go to sleep now. Goodnight mom! Goodnight hunny. I walk upstairs and fall onto my bed falling asleep after a couple minutes..

Lets see what tomorrow brings.. <33

Note: Sorry for the short chapters! The next ones will be better and be longer.  Make sure to vote if you like the story so far.  <333

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