New boy.

17 1 0

I get up, Do the same stuff as always. Brush my teeth, Take a shower. But this time i add panic attacks. The thought of stuff thats going on makes my throat close up, I honestly hate my life. I throw on some sweater and pants, My hands shaking as i pick up my phone. I walk to school in the cold, I finally get to school and walk inside. Louis is by his locker like always, I dont even make eye contact with him. Hey y/n! Cam says.

hey cam. Wanna go skating or something after school? Oh yeah, Sure! I smile.

See you in class y/n! Alright. I say, He walks off and i open my locker. I wish i was going skating with Lou, But i hate him for what he did.  Y/n! Can we please just talk about it? Louis says. No Louis, We arent talking about it okay? Leave me alone. You havent been eating! He calls me out on it, Shut up Louis, Why do you care? Because y/n! I will always care.

Save it for your girlfriend Louis. Whatever y/n, You dont give people chances. Maybe i will go makeout with Julia again! I turn away from Louis and my eyes start tearing up.

" You could loose some weight " One of julia friends say. Julia  has a huge fake smile on her face, I hate her.

I suck in my stomach and walk to class, Trying to avoid everyone i sit in the back. Andd of course Cam sits next to me, I quickly wipe my tears. Hey y/n! Oh hey Cam.

Your eyes are red y/n, Why have you been crying? I have not! Its just the dust.. Stop lying. Look i barley know you but, I can tell when someone has been crying. Your voice is so unsteady. He says, My dog died. I made up an excuse because im not telling what happend.

Oh im so sorry y/n! Its fine he liked to bite me anyways. I fake smile to calm cam down, Louis is looking at me concerned. I look over at him and give Louis the middle finger, He looks away and I can see hurt in his eyes.

Class continues on and im not really listening. I think i stared at cam a little bit, I rest my elbow on the table and look at Cam. I didnt notice how long i did that until he said something, Like what you see y/n? he laughs. My face turns red and i cant control my smile. What if i do? Whats that y/n? The teacher says. Oh yeah! I was just saying Cam is pretty hot. I say loud enough for Louis to hear. Cam starts blushing and Louis looks as jealous as ever, I smile over at Louis.

Class ends and me and Cam walk out together. Hey cam, What did what you said mean? I called you a cutie. I smile at him, "Thank you"
Oh my god why would i say thank you.

Time skip—- Lunch. I hate acting like im hungry. Hey y/n? Yes cam? Please eat. Okay, I grab a bag of chips to try and eat. Im gonna go to the libarey Cam, See you later. Alright, I walk off to go to my spot. Soon after Louis comes and sits down, He catches me throwing away my chips. Oh of course! He knows where i eat all of the time. Y/n please talk to me. Im worried about you and you arent eating, Louis please leave. Im not leaving y/n, Not until you tell me whats going on.   I grab my bag and try to leave, He grabs my waist and sits me back down.

I didnt tell you that you could leave, You dont own me! I can leave if i want to. Please just tell me, i i- He stutters. I need to know whats going on. Hearing the pain and concern in his voice makes me want to cry but i dont. I start getting annoyed, Okay Louis you want to know whats going on? My parents just got divorced, You cheated on me.. And lets see Im so inscure about my body, To the point where im having panic attacks. Im so scared Louis, My eyes start tearing up and i cry. Im scared to be alone. My dad has started drinking alot and i have no one. Im sorry y/n, I didnt know. Can i please leave now? I get up and try leaving. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me as tight as he can. I start crying harder. Y/n, Just know i dearly love you and if it makes you happy not being with me then thats how we will have it.

I just need time Louis. I have alot going on, I understand y/n. I pull away from his hug and grab my stuff to leave.

After school.

Hey y/n! Hey cam. Ready to go? Yeah sure!

We hop in Cams car and leave school. What do you wanna listen to? Golden hour. Alright, Golden hour it is.

We sing and drive to a Drive in movie theater outside.ITS YOUR GOLDEN HOURRR We sing, I look over to him smiling with my hair blowing in the wind.

We are here! We stopped and parked to watch the movie.

He throws popcorn into my mouth and we laugh together. With the movie in the background, And us snuggling under blankets its perfect. I feel safe with Cam.

I can feel Cams eyes on me. I look over to him we start inching closer until we kiss. I have butterflys and my stomach is all fury.

hahha love a short chapter cause im lazy😍😍😍

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