The hotel <33

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I stay in Louis grip since i cant wiggle out, We are almost at the hotel and im not sure what to do.. Y/n y/n... What are you gonna do when he wakes up? I dont know Julia! I say making Louis wake up. I act like im still asleep maybe he wont notice im blushing..

Louis Pov:

Oh my god. Y/n is sleeping on me and i have my arm wrapped around her. She must be acting like shes asleep because her face is red as red can get and shes peaking to see what im doing. Y/n? You can open your eyes now, Unless you wanna stay this way? Maybe i do lou? ALL RIGHT GUYS WERE HERE. Stop flirting Julia says. Your just "Friends " RIGHT? Yea.. I say quietly. I grab my phone and bag, Louis opens the door and i get out of the car, Louis I whisper" We should sneak off im the hotel and play around with Jules! Louis does nothing but winks at me and grabs his stuff. Alright ready guys? Yeah! Lets walk in. Me and louis run off and leave Julia to check in.Wait guys!- Whatever. ill just check in and find them later,Hi welcome to Blue water hotel! How may i help you today? Hello Im here to check in. Alright, She types that in. Last name and, How many people? 3 people and the last name is Byers. Okay. She says typing in the info i gave her. Alright! I have Julia byers down for one room with one bed. Oh? It was suppose to be two beds.. Im sorry there is only one bed available currently. Okay um? Thank you anyways. No problem. Heres your card! Thank you I say walking away.

Louis and Y/n

Me and louis get in a elevator laughing so hard we cant breathe. We suddenly stop and look at each other. His brown eyes and messy hair... No y/n. friends. just friends. We quickly get out and go up stairs to try and lose Julia. When we go in the staircase We are so tired we take a break and sit down. I start to giggle and then we both calm down. Louis? Yes y/n Im so tired now. I know. I am too. we look at each other And Im looking straight in his eyes. He starts to inch closer to me and we finally kiss, It was like no other butterflys i have ever felt before. His hand moves from my face to my hair. We pull away and Julia comes running in. Louis grabs my hand and we start running up the stairs we soon both fall in the hallway of the hotel. We just lay there laughing until Julia comes and sits down beside us. WHAT WAS THAT? I have been looking for you guys 30 minutes straight. Me and Louis look at each other trying to hold in our laughs. Her face was bright red and you could tell she was annoyed , We burst out laughing forgetting we just kissed on the stairs. I have something to tell you both. The rooms with two beds are all booked . But we got two beds? Yeah thats what i thought.. But it looks like someones sleeping on the couch. Ill sleep on the couch Louis says. Are you sure Lou? Its fine. You guys can have the bed. If you say so Louis. We start walking and Julia is in front leading the way. Our hands brush up together and i get butterflys in my stomach. Okay heres room 507 Julia says. We walk in and i put my stuff on the floor and jump on the bed with Louis. Julia sits on the side of the bed. Im so tired Louis says Me to Julia states. We should watch a movie! Louis agrees and so does Julia. Im gonna change I say! Okay. Im gonna go get snacks down at the lobby Julia yells while walking out the door. I go to change in the bathroom and Louis changes in the room. I get changed into Pjs. (These)

I walk out and- Louis is shirtless! Oh my god

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I walk out and- Louis is shirtless! Oh my god.. I say out loud not meaning to, I slap my hands over my eyes slightly still looking. Oh, Louis says. Y/n You dont have to cover up your eyes. i see you looking , He says teasing me.
I slowly on cover my eyes. Louis! You know that im still here! Why would you change i mean i mean! Stuttering with my words i say. You mean what y/n? I mean you are still looking. He blushes, Put on a shirt Louis! Julia hears me say that and she walks in. Oh Y/n Im sorry i didnt know you guys were- Julia!! We arent doing anything i just - Y/n why is your hair messed up again? He says laughing to himself. Louis dont even start! My hairs messy from- From?? Louis says. Shut up Lou i say looking down. What was that? He lifts my chin up forcing me to look at him. Louis stop I whisper, Julias in here! He smiles and moves his hand back down to his side. Earth to Y/n! Can we watch our movie now ? Julia asks. Oh Uhm. Yea we can. I call couch! Julia says Knowing why she wants the couch. I roll my eyes at her, Louis jumps on the bed and i try to go get on the couch with Jules. Nope sorry y/n. I need leg room. She says smiling. Fine ill just sit on the edge of the bed! We start the movie and i can barley keep my eyes open after 30 minutes. Y/n? You know you can get on the bed fully right? No louis Im fine. Saying with my eyes closing and opening as i fall asleep, Julia Louis whispers, Great shes not awake Louis says to himself.

Louis pov

I pickup Y/n and put her on the bed. I get on the other side and get on my phone. Shes so peaceful when she sleeps. I look at her and shes quietly snoring. I let out a little laugh and take a picture of her because shes so cute as she sleeps. Her hair is all over the place but she still looks amazing.

Time skip to morning) Julia? Why are you right next to me ? I say quietly because im barely awake

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Time skip to morning) Julia? Why are you right next to me ? I say quietly because im barely awake. I roll over to wake up Jules because Im sure she made Louis go to the couch. I see Louis instead, Oh my god Are we 𝘊𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨? Im laying right next to him and his arm is around me. Julia cant see this! I look around and i dont see her. so thats good, Lou wake up! I try wiggling around but he hugs me tighter. Can we just sleep for a little longer Y/n ? Im so tired. Louis why are you hugging me and why am i laying beside you? I say looking up at him. His tired eyes are so cute and he has a deep morning voice. You looked cold Y/n. You were in a crop top and you were shivering in the middle of the night. I lay my head back down. Fine five more Minutes. I see him smile with his eyes closed. He wraps his arm around me more and we go back to sleep.

( Heyyy! Hope your enjoying this so far. Ik Louis and Y/n are goin a bit fast but if i waited it would have been boring. Remember to vote if you like it! <33

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