Dec 5th, The day i hate myself.

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Its now the next day after what happend, Louis ran off and i could never find him. I tried talking to his parents but he wasnt at home either. I get up out of my bed after putting things off for hours now,

I look at myself in the mirror.

I mess around with my hair to try and make me feel prettier,

I hate myself.

I hate my acne,

I hate my hair.

I hate the way i dread getting up from bed everyday,

I hate that some days i wake up feeling uglier then others.

I hate my laugh My voice, The way i act.

I hate that, One day all of my friends will leave me because im so childish.

I dont bother washing any makeup off that was smeared last night and i dont brush my hair, I throw on a hoodie and sweatpants
And my face looks like a mess. I honestly have no reason to do any of it.

I grab my bag and walk to school, My mom and dad are never really home anymore. They are always busy so im just alone.

As i walk in school i see Louis by the lockers, Louis! I try to say as he cuts me off. What do you need y/n? You look like a mess. My eyes widen and start to feel with tears, Louis has never called me that before.

Im sorry Louis. You have the right to hate me, Y/n why were you kissing Darius? I didnt! He was trying to make you jealous so he kissed me. I pulled away right after to try and find you but i couldnt. He pulls me in for a hug as i try to wipe my tears.

Im sorry for reacting that way, Louis says. I just cant stand that fact some other guy kissing you, I know Louis. I hate myself for it okay? Dont say that. Or what?

Or your staying at my house tonight until i know your okay. Whatever Louis, Im going to class. I go to class and Louis sits next to me, I avoid Louis and try to Pay attention to class for once. Pss! Y/n. Im coming to stay with you at your house since your parents are gone. Louis says to me, What? Im old enough to stay at my house alone. Your mom texted me and told me that. Great, Now i have one more problem to deal with. The bell rings and i go out of class, I see Darius and Conrad coming up to me. Darius pins me against my locker, Darius let me go! I will if you break up with Louis. Im not breaking up with him you freak! Let me go! his grip gets tighter and he drags me into a closet he puts his hands on my neck and squeezes it. Struggling to breathe i say, Louis- Please help me. I kick and try to wiggle out but i cant, I finally get out and run to find Louis. Louis! I run into his arms. Y/n what happend? I was yelling for you and you didnt come! Im sorry i didnt hear.

He turns my chin to look at my neck. Who did this y/n? Who put their hands on you? Darius.... He goes to find Darius and i try to stop him. Let me go, I told you nobody would ever touch you without consequences. He finds Darius and punches him right across the face, Whats your problem Darius! I dont get why you have the right to put your hands on y/n.

He hits Louis back and i can see His face bleeding. Louis stop! Just let it go i yell. Shes gonna be mine Louis partridge. The teachers Grab them off of each other, Detention for you both! I go up and slap a teacher so i could go with Louis. Y/n! Detention for you too.

——-Time skip—-

After classes we went to Detention, Louis what were you thinking? You could have got badly hurt. Just let me take care of you y/n! Thats all i want to do okay? He got what he deserved. I stay quiet as we walk. We go into Detention and sit down, The person watching us had work to get done so he went in another room.

I lay my head on Louis shoulder, Im tired.  Of what? My parents leaving, The fighting, Me. Everything. Im sorry y/n. I try my best to keep you safe. I can see Darius rolling  his eyes, I close my eyes and fall asleep on Louis.

Y/n? Wake up its time to go. Louis says, I get up and walk out to the car with Louis. I lay my head on the window not saying anything the whole time, Im worried about you y/n. Im fine okay! Just stop talking to me about it. He puts his hand on mine and continues driving. This isnt the way to my house Louis.

I know, What do you want to eat? I want ( Your favorite place to eat) Okay. He smiles, Do you want a peppermint milkshake? Sure. He orders the food and we eat in the car. Thank you Louis, If it wasnt for you id be in bed right now. Your welcome y/n. He drives us home after that and we go inside. We start watching christmas movies until we both fall asleep.

Okay how would yall feel if Timothée Chalamet Was Louis partridge brothers in my - The summer i turned pretty- Based book😻😻😻 CAUSE IM KINDA THINKING ABT IT

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Okay how would yall feel if Timothée Chalamet Was Louis partridge brothers in my - The summer i turned pretty- Based book😻😻😻 CAUSE IM KINDA THINKING ABT IT. Here im gonna give yall pictures of them✨

 Here im gonna give yall pictures of them✨

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What do yall think about that? Comment if you think i should do it!

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What do yall think about that? Comment if you think i should do it!

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