Dec, 8 What just happend?

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I wake up on the couch, How did I get here?

Looking around I see trash and cups everywhere,  What Happened?

Louis walks out of the bathroom, Good morning y/n. Louis! What- Why is my house this way? He sits down next to me, We had a party don't you remember? I start remembering the crap I got put through. Why would you let me drink that much Lou? Everything blurred, I could barely think straight.   Y/n I'm so sorry, I feel horrible for letting you drink that much.

God, I have a bad headache.

He laughs at me, Shut up partridge! Get used to the name, soon it will be yours. My face turns red and I roll my eyes.

I get up and go to my bathroom to take a shower,

As I step out of the shower, I grab a pair of clothes to wear.

( This is your   outfit)

Louis! I yell from upstairs, For god's sake, y/n come downstairs and talk to me

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Louis! I yell from upstairs, For god's sake, y/n come downstairs and talk to me. FINE DAD. I stomp down the stairs and sit down next to Louis.

Louis, you could hear me from there. I just wanted to see my girl love, Is that a problem? I space out into my world as he says that, it still gives me butterflies when he says stuff like that. Earth to y/n, He says waving his hands across my face. Yeah uh, Sorry.

Can we skate, please? Of course, we can. Alright, I'll go grab the boards! I grab the skateboards and head outside, Louis follows behind me.

Let's go to the park, Louis says. Okay! We skate off until we are at the park, When we get there I try skating faster to impress Lou, but I fall flat on my face, and Louis starts dying laughing. LOUIS IF YOU DON'T HELP ME UP NOW. He continues laughing and I can tell he is out of breath, When he gets closer to me I pull his ankle tripping him up.


I start to tackle him on the ground until he finally pins me down, Let me gooooooo! I giggle, He finally lets me go and I get up. I have scrapes on my hands from falling, And I have a cut on my face.

Y/n are you okay? Yeah, If you can catch me!

I skate off until I get too tired to continue.

I finally sit down on the grass and Louis sits next to me.

You have an awful amount of energy y/n.

Or maybe you are just too slow to catch me.

Love my legs are way longer than yours.

So! I I - I Stutter trying to come up with excuses.

I lay back on the grass, And so does Louis.

Y/n. Yes Lou?

I love you more then i have loved anything.

I love spending every day with you, Hearing you laugh, Seeing you smile. 

I have loved you from the start.

My eyes start to tear up as i hear Louis say these words, Nobody has ever said that to me Louis. I love you too, More then you could ever imagine.

He pulls me closer to him and we start making out, He always smells so fresh, and His hair is soft.

His cheeks begin to go pink and he smiles in between us kissing. It makes me laugh and we pull away, I lay back down on my back.

You are cute when your cheeks are pink partridge. I start giggling, You are cute all of the time y/n. I smile and lay my head on his chest.

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