Love or hate?

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I sit on the roof of Louis's house and smoke, Its 8:00 AM. The air is chilly and i can see my breath, Someone taps on the window. Its Louis, I climb back into his room. Good morning Louis. Why are you up this early? Why do you care so much? I was just asking... I leave him inside his room and go down to his sisters bedroom, Hey Mills? Yeah! Can i borrow any of your clothes? Sure! Grab some from my closet. Thanks.  I go and choose a T-shirt and some pants. Thanks Mills! I leave her room and go downstairs to sit on the couch, Louis sits down beside me. hey, What do you have planned for today? Louis asks me. nothing really, i just dont feel like doing anything.

Well, I have had something for you. Its suppose to be for christmas but i think you will like it now. Louis goes and grabs a kitten, Oh my god Lou! I love her.

I pet the kitten and look up at Louis, I hug him as tight as i can

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I pet the kitten and look up at Louis, I hug him as tight as i can.  Louis places his hand on my head hugging me tightly. Louis, Could we just stay like this for awhile? I missed this y/n. I sit the kitten into the blanket on us and snuggle onto Louis, I fall asleep.

A couple hours later—-

I wake up to Louis still with me, He is asleep. Are we back to normal? I slowly try to get up quietly. Where are you going? Louis asks me with his sleepy voice. I was trying not to wake you up, i sit down next to him. He pulls me next to him, Louis its like 12 pm i want food. Just lay here, He pouts. Louuuuuu i want food! Can we get coffee ? I ask. Okay, only because i want you to be happy.

Louis gets up and we get into his car, Are you done with your grudge held against me? He asks. Well the cat really helped with that...But dont get used to it Partridge. I hope you like my last name y/n. Why is that? Soon you will have it. I roll my eyes, Im secretly happy that he said that on the inside. We continue talking about different things before we get to the coffee shop, What do you want? Just a iced coffee! Okay. Heres your coffee, Are you happy now? Yes im happy.

Okay, So you will need to pack clothes for 3 weeks. What? We are going on a trip to the mountains for Christmas. Who said i was coming? Look, i kinda already told my sisters you were coming. And you dont wanna let them down! I see, You just want me to come. You will have your own room y/n i promise. I will ONLY go if i can bring my cat. We get back to Louis's house and i already had clothes there, When are we leaving? Tomorrow, we are skipping school. Millie and Issie come up from downstairs, hey y/n! Do you wanna come out in the snow with us? Issie asks. Sure, Let me get my jacket on. I throw on a jacket and Me, and both of the girls walk outside. So are you and Louis ever gonna get back together? Millie asks me. I- I dont know, things are just going on right now and its hard. We understand! Me and issie will always be there for you, But Louis loves you truly. I know he does, he always has. I sit down onto the snow and lay down. So do the girls, We laugh and talk about the celebs who we think are hot. I think im going to go inside guys, Its cold. Okay! I walk inside and go to find Louis on his bed. hi, movie?? I ask. He scoots over to let me on one side. I put pillows to separate both sides, These stay here. Do not move them Louis Partridge! Alright mother, I roll my eyes and find a movie for us to watch.

A few hours later its dark now——

My eyes start getting heavy, I look over to Louis and he is already asleep. I cant help but close my eyes and go to sleep. 15 Minutes later i hear something plop onto the ground. Louis pulls me by my waist over into his arms, I whisper. Louis what are you doing? Shhh, Go to sleep. I lay my head on his chest and its like all of my struggles go away. Being in his arms makes me feel happier then i have been for awhile. His grip on me goes tighter, Louis im not going anywhere. I look up to see a slight smile on his face, Good. Thats all he says before he goes back to sleep. Friends cuddle right? We are nothing more then friends, I think to myself. I adjust myself and put my head under Louis's chin. I then fall back to sleep.

hii sorry i have not updated, this chapter is short and boring but the next ones are gonna be GOOD. Lets just leave it at that kk? kk. 😏😏😏

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