Dec 9, Starting to love myself, Or not.

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Okayyy so i couldnt continue without some dramaa, Sorry this chapter is sad 😜 ok bye lovesss
( Play the song before u read)

I slept at Louis's house last night, And I woke up to him Playing piano. Louis- It's too early for this love. Oh your awake now? Finally, You sleep awful long. He runs over to me and jumps on the bed, I cuddle up next to him and he kisses me on the cheek. Please can we just lay here for a little? We have to get up lovely, Fineee. I get up and sigh a little, Walking into the bathroom I look at myself.

My hair is okay,

I have learned to love my smile.

Louis comes in and hugs me from behind, My big smile finally appears on my face. Louis always makes this happen. I have never loved anyone as much as I have loved Louis, I suddenly get a text from someone in my school.

A concerned look on my face as I look at pictures of Julia saying horrible stuff about me to her friends. Is something wrong y/n? I show up the pictures as my eyes tear up. He begins hugging me tighter.  I'm so sorry y/n, She isn't worth crying over.

Julia called me a pig, She said I eat too much. " I'm an ugly freak and Louis shouldn't even date me " I read.

Babes don't worry about her okay? Please just don't cry. Don't cry, I can't see you in pain.

The doorbell rings and I go check who it is, Oh hi y/n! Julia says. What are you doing at my boyfriend's house, Julia? I need to talk to him in private. That's not gonna happen, Julia.  You don't think I know what you have said about me? What's going on y/n? Louis asks.

Julia needs to talk to you. She's not tho! Y/n it's fine just let her okay? Oh okay wow. Fine go talk to Julia since she really needs to.

They walk into a room and I hear them sit down on the bed, 5 minutes later i finally get up and walk in there. I then see them making out on the bed, Oh my gosh.. Y/n! Louis says My eyes feel with tears and i just stand there. Louis gets up and trys to talk to me. I can just see Julia with evil eyes knowing what she did. She wipes the lipstick off that was smeared, No its over Louis. Im leaving, Y/n please! Shut the hell up Louis! You dont even care about how i feel so stop trying okay?

I grab my things and walk out in the freezing cold, Tears rolling down my face. Why would he do this to me? Maybe im just not good enough for him. I am just a pig who eats everything, I finally get to my house and nobody is home still.

I get on the couch and bury my head in my arms and continue crying, My phone has been ringing so much, but None from my parents. Just Louis trying to convince me my eyes saw wrong I guess.  

If I never moved her I wouldn't have to go through this. I just really thought Louis loved me, It's hard to believe both of them right now. All I picture in my head is Julia's eyes looking at me, She was smiling at the time but it was evil.

I watch Tsitp, I decided to skip dinner. I'm better off not eating anyways.

Its 3 am and im still awake. Im so stressed out, I just wanna wake up one day and be able to sleep. just sleep, I dont wanna do anything. I have no motivation, I hate the way i look. The way i sound and the way i act, I dont wanna talk to anyone, I wanna waste my days inside m y bedroom doing nothing.

I cant stand the way i laugh, The way i get ignored every time i try talking.

Im loved by my parents, I have everything i could ask for. Theres just something in me that makes me hate every single thing i do, Why am i this way?

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