The school trip to the beach <33

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He tucks my hair behind my ear.. Louis what are you doing? Oh im sorry, I just- Its fine Louis i need to go. We have the school trip tomorrow and i need to pack and get some sleep. Oh okay.  Ill drive you home then, Its fine Louis Julia is picking me up. I hear a honk and i take a step away from Louis, He was Super close to me. Bye Louis. Bye Y/n..

                                Louis pov
I was gonna drive her home.. I dont know why i tucked her hair back but i just felt like it. Shes so Beautiful and i Hope she sees that.

I get in the car and I dont say anything, You good Y/n? Julia says as im spaced out in my own world. Y/n? Yeah sorry! I just dont know how i feel about louis. And Darius is still my boyfriend.. Y/n Louis likes you i can tell. The way he looks at you, And he always checks on you when somethings wrong.  I know he does Julia but its alot to handle. The move The new school LOUIS. The new house, And Darius. Y/n let me ask this, Are you always gonna have a long distant relationship with Darius? What happends if he cheats. Plus Louis is such a sweetheart. Just consider it Okay? Fine.  We get to my house and I get out and grab my phone, Oh i kept louis hoodie- it smells like him.. As i walk in my mother greets me Hi Sweetheart! How was your day? Spaced out again thinking about Louis I completly ignore everyone and go upstairs. Okay.. Lets pack! 30 minutes Later) Okay. i think ill go straight to bed Im pooped.. I get in my bed and i stare at the ceiling until i sleep. BEEEP I get up the quickest i have in a long time! Hmm what to wear?

Perfect! I put Louis Hoodie and sweatpants in a pile folded and Spray perfume that i always wear on it

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Perfect! I put Louis Hoodie and sweatpants in a pile folded and Spray perfume that i always wear on it. I straighten my hair

 I straighten my hair

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And look at the time..Julias about to pick me up! I look out the window and her jeep is outside. I see Louis in the back seat.. Why did i even agree to this? I grab my bag and phone Bye mom bye dad! Bye sweety! I walk out the door strutting and i see Julia clapping, And Louis with a smile. I open the door.. Lets go to the beach!! Hopping in the seat and throwing my bag behind me.  Hey Y/n! Julia says to me, Okay are you guys ready to hit the road? Yeah! Yes, Louis says. I can see him looking at me because of the mirror but he seems to be blushing and its kind of funny! Louis your staring a hole through y/n. He quickly looks away and you can tell he is embarrased. Well Y/n is that a problem? No Lou. I guess not I say smiling. Oh you guys just kiss already! Im getting bored seeing you guys act like "Friends" We are Jules? I say with confusion. BUT FRIENDS DONT LOOK AT FRIENDS THAT WAYYY Juila sings, Me and Louis laugh together. Jules we need gas. Your cars almost on Empty😭I dont wanna get stuck in the middle of no where jules. Okay okayyy Ill stop and get gas. We stop at the nearest place and julia gets out to fill her car up, I can feel someone looking at me while im on my phone.. Louis! What are you doing? I dont knowww being nosy? We lock eye contact for a little.. He puts his warm hands on my face. Did anyone ever tell you how pretty your eyes are Y/n? Not until now Lou <33 He brings his hands down and kisses my hand. We hold hands for about 7 Seconds before Julia hops back in yelling- LETS HIT THE ROADDDDDDDDDDDD
Me and Louis smile at each other We drive off and a couple hours down the road I get tired and uncomfortable in my seat. Lou? Yes Y/n He sees my sleepy eyes and answers me with the most soft sweet voice ever. Can i move back there to have more space? Of course Y/n! Do i need to go up front? No no its okay Lou. I crawl in the back and plop down, I fall asleep so quickly.

Louis pov

Y/n Plops down beside me and falls asleep. she looks so peaceful and i fall asleep as well.

: Julia takes a picture of Y/n And Louis:

Julia starts laughing and she tries to hide it. her face is red as a tomato and i wonder what the noise is im half awake half asleep.. I havent opened my eyes yet. I open my eyes and I completly wake up when i notice IM SLEEPING ON LOUIS! His arm is wrapped around me and im laying my head on his shoulder, He is also laying his head on mine. I try to slide out of his grip but i cant. Julia i say quietly! Why wouldnt you wake me up? Its to sweet to wake you up! I already took a picture <33 JULIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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