The last day of the trip.

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Time skip to morning time, I fell someone shaking me to get up, Its Louis. Louisss! Stopppp im tired. I say whining, I know you dont feel the best but we arent spending our last day in bed. Get uppppp i wanna go do something. Finee, Im up. I get out of bed and Louis kisses me on my head. Im gonna take a shower Louis. Tell Julia to meet us somewhere to eat, Okay. Ill text her, Hurry up and take a shower! I get in the shower and Wash my hair. I completly forgot i got punched in the face last night. I still have makeup on my face, I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel so i can go out and get my clothes. When i walk out i see Louis looking. When i look over he acts as he is on his phone. You can stop pretending Louis. I can see you glancing up at me! Just get dressed y/n! Unless you wanna go in a towel he winks. Nope , Im getting dressed now. I get dressed and do my hair. Julia is back now and im ready to go. I walk out and Julia and Louis are waiting. We walk out and start walking. Heres the cafe! I say. Hello can we get a table? Sure! Follow me. We follow her to the table outside. Heres some waters to start! Thank you so much. No problem! Ill give you some time to think about what you all wanna order. How are you feeling Y/n? Julia asks. A little rough but ill make it, I dont really remember all that happend last night so. So what are we gonna do today? Y/n you pick! Louis says. Maybe go to a amusement park, Is that okay?Sure! They both agree. We talk and wait for the waiter to come back. Julia snaps a picture of me and Louis to post on her instagram.

Eating lunch with these two <333

                     JuliaxxoEating lunch with these two <333

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Katie_ Omg 😻😻😻😻

Liv....    They are so cute <33

Juliaxxo  <33333


Time skip to after the cafe.

Ready for the amusement park ? Julia asks us. Yesss! Louis grabs my hand and we go to our car.  I sit in the back with Louis and Julia drives. Im so readyyyyy! I say, Julia turns on the radio and we listen to music.  Me and Julia sing our favorite songs and dance along, I roll down my window and my hair is blowing in the air.

I lean back in and my hair is everywhere

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I lean back in and my hair is everywhere.  Louis laughs and fixes my hair, We get to the park and get out of the car. SO MANY RIDES!! Julia says running off to go into the park. I stay with Louis and we walk up to get tickets.  How many tickets would you like? 3 Please! I say. Alright, Here you are! Thank you so much, Ready Louis? Of course y/n! I take his hand and we run into the park. Lets go on the swings, Julia is already going on a roller coaster. We go up into the air and start spinning.

Ill update this later i have no time😻 But this will continue soooo YEAHHG also i have no idea if the music shows up so yeahh


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