" I cant do this. "

18 1 0

I pull away from cam, Im sorry somethings wrong. No, Its fine i understand. Can you take me home? Oh yeah sure. He puts the car on and we leave, I hurt him.  Its just to early and plus nobody is like Louis for me.

We get to my house, I had a good night Cam. Me too, See you at school. I get out of the car and walk into my house, My dad has starting drinking alot ever since what happend.

I try sneaking into the house quietly but my dad is in the living room watching tv, Its like 12 am. And where have you been y/n? He says still facing the tv. Im sorry- I just went out for a little. You look horible today, Put on some makeup tomorrow or something. Oh i - Whatever.  I walk off, What did you just say to me? Dad you are drunk! You are the mess. I say, He pushes me up against the wall, Watch your mouth. He pushes me off and i run off into my room, I lock my door and run to my bed to cry.

                             Louis 😐


I know we arent talking, But i have no one else. Can i please come over? My dad is drunk and i think he might hurt me.


Are you okay? Has he put his hands on you y/n?


No... Just please let me come over.


Ofc you can come over y/n. Ill wait for you outside



I sneak out of my window and start running, I run until im in Louis's arms. Hey- he trys saying before i hug him. Thank you Louis, For letting me come over.

You know you can come over any time. We walk inside and sit in his living room, Mostly everyone exept his sisters which are in their room.

If you dont feel safe you can stay here for a few days you know? I know. Its gonna be weird tho, I can just sleep on the couch. Look, I know saying sorry isnt gonna do much, And i have no excuse for what i did. But if you ever wanna talk, Im always here. I stay silent for a bit, Thank you Louis. Do you have any blankets? I think im gonna try and sleep. Oh yeah sure. Here you go, He hands me some blankets and a pillow. If you change your mind you can always sleep on my bed and ill stay on the couch, He says. Ill be okay Louis, Thank you again.

Goodnight y/n, Night Louis.

As Louis leaves the room, Thoughts feel my head. What am i gonna do? My dad is becoming a achaholic, And i have to live  with that man. I think until i fall asleep.

I wake up to issie and mills. Y/n! Wake uppppp! I rub my eyes and sit up on the couch, Hello there- I say, We want you to go somewhere with us! We have school. You are skipping y/n, Issie says. Guys i cant skip! My grades are failing. Just get ready okay? Millie asks. Fine just this one day im skipping, Yayyy! They cheer and jump up and down.

I walk up to the bathroom and past Louis's door, He is still asleep.  He is so cute when he sleeps, He always sleep talks.

I get done in the bathroom and stop beside Louis's room, Y/nnnn He sleep talks.

I can feel my face go red, Oh my god he is dreaming of me. Y/n come on! I hear Millie yell. I snap out of whatever space i was in and go down the stairs. Ready guys! I say, We walk out of the door and get in the car. Issie drives,

Where are we even going guys? You will see! Millie says to me. 

We get to some persons house, They are having a bonfire tonight. Issie says,I dont know.. It could cause trobuble. Come on y/n just let yourself loose. Okay fine.. We walk up into the persons house, People are dancing and some making out. The smell of alcohol hits me, The girls go dancing and I go into the backyard. I sit down on a chair and get on my phone, I dont really want to be here right now.

Its night time now and i have to say, I have helped alot of throwing up people! I walk out to the pool beside some random guy smoking.Hey, Uh Can I smoke that? You seem desperate.  Excuse me? He laughs, Here.  He hands me the cigarette and I smoke it.  It is my first time ever smoking, But i needed something to calm me down. So, I never got your name. Its y/n! Sorry if you were not wanting to talk to anyone. Cupcake i just let you smoke my cigarette.

A/n HAHHA I LIKE THE WORD CUPCAKE LOLLLLL😜😜😏⏰⏰😏💐🙄⛄️😩😏🌬⏰🥞💀💖💖💀💐🍭🌊🥯⏰guys im so aesthetic😜😜😜😜😜

So why are you at this party? I ask him. Friends wanted me to come, I didnt want to. Same here, I dont really do partys.

oh really? You look pretty hot to be bored at a party like this. My eyes widen, I try to ignore what he said. Why do you want to smoke? No reason? I say. Theres got to be a reason.  Louis walks up behind us, Y/n! Why are you here? My sisters are gonna get you into trouble. Louis im grown enough to care for me! Go away, I'm trying to get away from the drama. We are going home y/n. He grabs me and pulls me out to his car, Louis stop! Y/n why are you smoking now? This isnt you! Its like im loosing you. Im just changing... Why can't you realize that? I have a lot going on! I just want to get away for a little. See! Thats it. You are trying to run from your troubles. LOUIS YOU DONT GET IT! Lately i have been in pain! I just want things like they were before.

Your skipping school, Drinking. Smoking, Oh and failing grades! You dont get it, I laugh. You really dont get it partridge. You have your life handed to you, Your stupid little acting carer, and your perfect family. Just admit it! You have it all in the palm of your hands, Aswell as a line of girls who are drooling over you so go date them! He says nothing. I get in the car and lean my head on the window, There arent any more tears to let out. Louis doesnt look at me once, Im sorry Lou, I shouldnt have said that. Yeah, you shouldnt have but you did. He says while not looking at me.

I fall asleep on the window.

I wake up inside on Louis's bed, The lights are off and he isnt in his room. He carried me inside.. Even after all i said. I get up to see Louis sleeping on the couch, He gave up his bed so i would sleep good. I walk back into his room and lay down on the couch, Looking at the ceiling until i fall asleep.

                           Louis's POV

i went to go check on Y/n, Shes asleep. I miss cuddling with her every night, But im just glad she is sleeping good. I pull the covers over her more and kiss her head.

Not gonna lie, I felt the kiss on my head. I acted to be asleep but i wasnt really, I heard Louis come in. As much as i hate Louis right now i cant help but blush when he looks at me.

okay we may be getting somewhere😻😻 also i cant update all three books the same night but ill try to do one each night

okay we may be getting somewhere😻😻 also i cant update all three books the same night but ill try to do one each night

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me in any pair of sunglasses😐

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