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BEEP BEEP BEEP⏰⏰⏰ FIVE.MORE.MINUTES. BEEP BEEP BEEP⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰ OH MY- FINE OKAY IM UP IM UP. I get up at my hairs a tangly mess, Tried brushing through it.. Well that didnt go well I finally get the brush through, And i straighten my hair. ( This is the hair style)

Next i brush my teeth and rinse with some mouthwash

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Next i brush my teeth and rinse with some mouthwash. Now.. Lets get dressed! Casual? Hmm Maybe i could do a little better. I mean it is my first day of school! I pick out my clothes and put them on.

 I look in the mirror

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I look in the mirror.. This is okay right? I mean atleast your not wearing a t shirt.. It will be fine. Its just school who cares.. Hurry up Y/n you will be late My mom says! Okay coming! I grab my phone and head downstairs. Lets go lets go My mom in a rush to get everyone to come on. Lets go get in the car leo! I say, We get in the car and my mom drives us to school. Were here! My mom says. Alright. Thanks mom Bye! Bye mom! Leo says with a smile, Bye leo Bye Y/n! <33 Me and my brother have different classes so we walk the other way from each other. As i walk alone i see a group of boys laughing at something.. Was it me ? One of them stares me down, I look back as im walking and then i quickly look back foward when i bump into this girl, Im so sorry! I was not looking. Its all good! Are you new ? Yea! The names Y/n! I say with a smile on my face Cool! Im Julia :) Maybe we have the same classes Y/n! What do you have? I pull out a list i had made and look.. Math! Me too! Julia says. Great! Uhm.. Which way is math? Ill show you! Julia grabs my hand and we go to math. We can sit together! Alright! Sooo any cute boys you see when you first got here? Well.. There was this one boy who stared me down and that why i bumped into you. Ooooo Thats louis partridge she says with a smile on her face. Whats the big deal with him? Every girl has a crush on him. If he looked at you for that long your doing good girl! Well.. I just moved here to London and I had my boyfriend Darius but I'm not sure how it's gonna work out with us. I understand Y/n. Speaking of louis.. Julia says What? I say And then i saw him He looks at me the whole way until he sits down then gets his books out. Eh he doesnt even notice me. Im just like any other girl so why would he like me? ALRIGHT CLASS. LETS START!

We have a new student... Y/n Patterson
Come up and tell us about you.
Omg omg what do i say? I get up and go to the front, Louis and i lock eye contact and i get very nervous.. Um my names y/n? I like to.. Ska- Well um im learning to skate board.

Okayy Y/n thank you take your seat. I look over to louis and he has a slight smile oh my god! I just embarrassed myself. what a great start, Julia whispers- Y/n you skateboard? Uhh yea? kinda?? GIRL LOUIS SKATEBOARDS she says loud for him to hear. Julia! Shh, I see louis at the corner of my eye looking over at me What does he want and why do i feel this way when he looks at me? Its like butterflys 100% And i still have a boyfriend. Darius never made me feel the way i feel when louis looks at me. As time passes by i glance over at him and i just cant stop thinking about louis.
Louis pov:

In math class i see this new girl. I noticed her as soon as she walked in.. Its like the whole room changed. She thinks i cant see her glancing At me which is cute. I really want to get to know her.. Her hair perfectly sits and when she looks up its like she has sparkles in her eyes. She seems like she has a little bit of nerves today. But shes different from everyone else... I can feel it! I cant focus on my test and No girl has caught my attention like her before. After my last girlfriend i havent dated in a long time. Everyone dates me for my fame and me being a acter. But she doesnt even know who i am! I want to talk to her after class but i just cant get her out of my mind.

The bell rings and everyone starts leaving.

hiii! Hope your enjoying this story! I will be adding on every day so remember to vote if you like it :))

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