Dec 7,

26 1 0

I wake up in a good mood, It's now December 7, And Louis isn't asleep. I get up on the cold bare wood and walk to the bathroom, I step into the shower to freshen up. As I wash through my hair I remember last night, It's like it was a dream! I step out shivering since it's cold inside my house, It's so cold. I wrap a towel around myself and walk into my bedroom. I think I'll just go casual today, I don't feel like dressing up. Walking down the cold creaky stairs, Louis is down in the living room on his phone. Good morning Louis, Good morning love! He kisses my head and sets his phone down to talk to me. We don't have school today, what should we do? I ask.

I thought maybe.. We can put up the Christmas tree? Sure! That's a good idea, I'll grab the ornaments. I'll get the tree, He says.

We start decorating the tree, He raises me to put the star on the tip top of the tree. Louis Gently puts me back down, Well what do you think? I say. I think it looks great y/n. I smile up at him, It does look pretty good Lou!

Now can we just lie down and watch a movie? I ask, Whatever you want to do y/n. Yayayyaya! I'm gonna get blankets I throw some blankets over me and run to jump onto the couch, Beside Louis. I lay beside Lou and put my head on his shoulder, He pulls me closer and wraps The blanket around us both.

My puppy luna jumps onto my lap, I snuggle her into the blanket.

Y/n_. My baby luna💜

Julia-       Omg😻 She is so sweet!

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Julia- Omg😻 She is so sweet!


Can I have ur dog pls😐


Luna. Is. Mine. And nobody can have her but me.

Y/n_ Louispartridge_ Louis! LUNA IS MINE. 🙄


She likes me more <3

I'm gonna make some pancakes, I get up to go make pancakes. When is the new movie of yours coming out Louis? I say referring to Enola holems two, It should be soon, I want you to watch it first. You know I'll be watching it asap!

Louis when are my parents coming home? I'm not sure, They are busy with work. A week or so maybe? He says. Is my brother with them? I Ask waiting for the pancakes to cook.

I think he is, They said he begged to come on the work trip. Oh, I say disappointed. He comes up behind me and hugs me, Y/n it's just extra time for me and you lovely. I turn to face him and I raise on my tiptoes, I kiss him and he kisses me back.


LOUIS THE PANCAKES ARE BURNING AND STARTED A FIRE! I grab a towel and start slapping the fire with it. Fortunately, the fire goes out and I turn to lean on the counter. I sit there out of breath for a while, Oh my gosh Louis. I just set the counter on fire. Maybe we shouldn't cook.

I'll just ask my friends to bring us food! He says. Your friend group? Do they even like me, Louis?? They are kind of Loud... I Say, It will be just fine! If you say so.

Time skip to night time.

Thinking he just invited a few friends, I open the door to a surprise. Louis! Why are there so many people at my house? Uh, Party? He says laughing. Louis! If they tear up my house you're dead. People start coming into my house, LETS PLAY SOME MUSICC! Some random guy says. He starts blasting music and people are talking. I pull Louis to the side. What were you thinking? I thought I was only inviting a few over... I didn't know all of these people were gonna show up! He claims.

Whatever. If you are gonna do this I'm at least getting a drink, I say walking off. Please don't drink too much y/n. I'll be fine! Talk to your friends Lou. I go downstairs and grab a drink, Hey. A deep voice coming from over my shoulder says. I turn around to see a tall brown-haired boy. Your y/n right? Right, Who are you? I'm one of Louis's friends, The name is Cam. Oh okay. So you are his girlfriend? He asks me, Yeah? Does he not tell you these things? I say confused. Yeah, I just wanted to make sure I guess.

Yeah... I'm his girlfriend. Haha, I laugh awkwardly to settle it. I can see Louis looking over at me, He keeps an eye on me.

I continue drinking to be carefree. I go to sit down on the couch, I have had about 5 cups of drinks. I can barely stand and I'm quite dizzy. I see Louis overdrinking. Whyy- why is he drinking and and- I stutter, Licking the wall? I feel my eyes get blurry, I try to get up and push through people, I stumble but I manage to get to Louis. Babyyyyyyyyyyy, Louis says. I start pulling him through the crowd of people until we are in my room, Louis I can't see straight. I'm sorry baby. He puts his hands on my face and starts kissing me, I try pulling away but the blur and dizziness are keeping me from it. I can tell he is drunk. He kisses me harder and goes down to my neck, I just sit there barely being able to move.

I'm sorry Louis, I whine. I can't I can't- I can't get up. Not knowing why I'm talking I just do. He continues kissing me as I lay there, Louiss! Stop, please! My voice gets quieter as I try to tell him to stop. My body gets weaker and I can't do anything, Lou- Everything blurred together and I don't know what's going on. My eyes finally start seeing again, Louis? I get up looking for Lou, I can't seem to find him anywhere and I can't stand well. Louis, please help me.

im gonna leave this hanging for yall lol

im gonna leave this hanging for yall lol

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