The trip

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Y/n wake upppppppp, someone shakes me awake. Louis im tired stop shaking me! I say with a quiet morning voice. My head rested up against his chest, I can feel his heart beat.  Im warm inside my blanket in my arms, Come on y/n you can sleep in the car. I sit up looking at him with a sleepy annoyed face, He starts to giggle and has the stupid silly smile he always has. My eyes start to close since im so tired, But i get up to get ready. Louis watches me as i do so, Stop looking at me like that Louis.

His smile fades and he looks away as i change,

He peaks through his hands. "LOUIS PARTRIDGE STOP PEAKING. " Okay okay! Im sorry, He laughs. We arent together so stop acting like we are. I can see the pain in his eyes but i cant deal with him right now. I throw on some sweat pants and a oversized t shirt, With a jacket on. I grab my backpack along with a pillow and blanket for the road. Morning to you too, Louis says as i walk out of the door.

Louis opens the car door and throws his stuff inside, Im cuddled up in my blanket laying my head on my pillow thats on the window.

Its raining now and the raindrops race to the bottom of the window, Louis's parents get in the car along with his sisters.

I see someones sleepy! His mom says. Yeah she didnt wanna get up, I hear Louis talking to his mom about me.

I have grown so close to his family, Since mines not really a " Family" Anymore they have always been there for me when my parents have not. I slightly smile while adjusting myself in my blanket.



Their yelling startles me awake, What in the world- What are you yelling about? I ask.


Just give her the seat so i can go to sleep!

Yeah! Give me the seat Millie.

Fine have it then! Millie sits in the other seat that doesnt have heating.

-Hours later———-

We get to the cabin and i get out of the car to stretch, I grab my backpack and walk inside of the cabin. Woah, Its amazing... My eyes widen as i look at everything. Louis walks in beside me, Come on y/n. Lets go find our rooms! I follow Louis upstairs and i claim a room, So does Louis.

We are settled in now, I'm still exploring everything here.  I walk out on mine and Louis's private balcony, We are the only ones upstairs. It has a hot tub and an amazing view of the mountains. Its night time now since it took forever to get here, I lay my arms over the ledge and look at the view.

Someone walks up behind me, Woah

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Someone walks up behind me, Woah.  Its beautiful isnt it? Very much so, Louis stands beside me looking at everything aswell.  I walk inside looking around the cabin, Nobody is awake right now besides me and Louis. I grab my book and go sit on my bed, Suddenly the power shuts off, Im left in the dark and i cant see anything. LOU?! LOUIS PARTRIDGE I CANT SEE COME HERE.  I start freaking out because im afraid of the dark, Moving my arms around i finally find Louis. Its alright darling im here, He places his hands on my waist.

The feeling of warmth made me feel safe, Louis why is the power off? I say with a shakey voice,Its just a storm. You will be okay i promise. He places his hands on my face and wipes a tear off of my face,

I can feel his breath get closer, I cant see but i know we are inchs away from each other. I start breathing heavily when he pulls me closer, " It will be just fine darling, let me hold you. " My face goes red as a tomato, Louis kisses my lips and i kiss him back. I can feel the tiny smiles against my lips, He brushes his hands in my hair. I have my arms wrapped around him, His grip gets tighter as we makeout.

This is all i ever wanted. I didnt know i needed it but i did, I love this boy more then ever. The lights come back on and his sisters open my door seeing us kissing, OH MY GOD MY EYES IM SO SORRY, Millie says. Mills slaps her hands against her eyes, Issie stands there giggling. I quickly pull away, and wipe my lipstick. I see you both have made up! Issie says. I guess we have Louis partridge. I nudge him and then walk out with his sisters, I knew i left him with butterflys, I meant to.

Y/n how long has this been going on? Millie asks smirking. Shush millie! It just happend. Oh it happend alright, Issie mumbles.

We then go to watch movies in the living room, I love this movie! More then Louis? I roll my eyes and continue watching. 

Issie and Millie fall asleep, I get up to grab a glass of water.  Louis then walks up beside me, Couldnt get enough of me Partridge? Im about to go up to my room and sleep. You know you could always come to my room, He smirks. No no, I dont want your sisters walking in on us sleeping in the same bed in the morning. You can just go back to your room before they wake up. I roll my eyes and start to walk off, Louis stops me by grabbing my waist and putting me up against a wall. Your cute when you roll your eyes, is that why you do it around me?

My body freezes up and i say nothing. His chocolate eyes lock up with mine, thats what i thought. Come up to my room when your done.

He walks back upstairs leaving me standing there with a glass of water. He does this because he knows how it makes me feel, I sit my glass of water down and walk up to his room.

"hey pretty girl"

My cheeks go pink and i hide my smile, I climb into his bed wrapping a blanket around me.

He wraps his arms around me and tucks some of my hair behind my ear, I look up at him. He kisses me and pulls me closer.

I smile in between kisses, I love you Louis. 

I love you too my girl.

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