Christmas ball day🎄

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I open my eyes to Louis watching tv, He is watching stranger things. Good morning Louis. I say with a sleepy voice, He looks down at me.  Good morning pretty girl <33 I scoot over into his arms and i start watching the show with him, You were sleep talking y/n. What did i say? Oh. Nothing, I think it was just random stuff... Okay? I get up to change into something else. I take some of his sweatpants and a sweater. You arent going to ask if you can wear that are you? Nope! Okay, Are you leaving? Yeah! Im going to the Library. Can i come? Yes thats if you let me read. I will i will! Okay then get your shoes on and lets go. We need to be back before 3 pm to get dressed, Julia is meeting us at the Library. Alright then, Are you ready? I ask him. Yeah, Lets go now. We leave out and his parents got home finally, We start walking to the Library thats around the corner not far from Louis house. Julia is waiting for us at the door, I run to go hug her. Julia! Im so happy to see you! Hey Y/n Hey louis! Its so amazing to see you guys again. How are you doing Julia? I ask. Healing, Long process but its getting there. Louis hugs Julia, Lets go inside ! Julia says. So julia, We need to find the old books since we are gonna study about them. Thats quite boring, Louis says. Louis! You said you would let me read. I will i will! Go ahead, Im gonna sit down. Me and Julia smile, Lets go! I say. We go to find the Old books and we pick out a few. We start to read and hours go by, Louis are you ready? Louis had fell asleep waiting for us. Huh? Its time to go get ready silly! We are done looking.

Alright then lets go. Ill see you guys at the ball! Julia says, Bye jules, <33 Bye Julia! Louis walks me back to my house, Have you gotten your suit? Of course. Its at my house , Ill see you tonight love. He says to me. I kiss him on the cheek and say goodbye, He walks off back to his house and i go inside.

Hey mom! Hi dad. Hello darling, You sneaked out last night. Luckily Louis alerted me you were safe, He is a good boy y/n. Atleast i know you are in safe hands. I hug my mom, Love you mom! I have to get ready for the ball tonight. Alright dear go ahead! I run upstairs to do my hair,

This is the hairstyle i end up choosing,I do my makeup and put my dress on

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This is the hairstyle i end up choosing,I do my makeup and put my dress on. Im ready to go mom! Its now (7:30) Ball starts at 8:30 Alright darling! Lets go then. we get in the car and i look at myself in my phone camera, You look stunning darling. My mom says, Thank you mom! I smile. Were almost here! We get to the ball and i see Louis standing outside waiting nervously. Have a good time sweetheart! Is Louis and his parents taking you home? Yes mom! Thank you bye! I wave to my mom and get out,

I start walking towards Louis, His eyes widen as he sees me. Y/n you look... gorgeous! Why thank you Louis! I say trying to be fancy. You look very handsome ! I blush as he spins me around to get a full look.

( Take this as example for what Louis is wearing)

( Take this as example for what Louis is wearing)

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Should we go inside now? I ask. Yeah we should! We walk inside and find Julia, Wow Julia you look great! O.M.G You look even better y/n! I love the red on you. You look good aswell Louis! Thanks julia. Oh! This is my date Darius! Julia says, Darius? I say with shock DARIUS! I pull him over to the side. What are you even doing here!

Woah woah love. Dont even start, You left us and then acted like we never existed, That does not to give you the right to date my bestfriend! You cant even do anything about it. She likes me and i like her, Who is the boy your with? Louis partridge. He loves me way more then you did! Louis walks over to see what all the fighting is about, Y/n Come on the announcment is about to start. He pulls me and i start walking with Louis, I look back at Darius and give him the finger.Y/n Who was that? Old boyfriend. Just let everything else go okay? Your here with me he says. I only listen since its Louis.

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Christmas ball, We would like for everyone to just enjoy theirselfs, We will dance later on and we have food. Have fun everyone!

Do you remember everything i taught you? Louis asked. Yeah.. But can we go over it? Over it? Where? I drag him into a bathroom upstairs. Here?! Yes right in this bathroom. He places his hands on me and we begin to dance. I kept eye contact this time, I see you listened to me y/n. Your getting better, perhaps i had a good teacher. i blush, We almost kissed but some girl ruined it. "HURRY UP AND GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!" I quickly pull away and flush the toliet as if i was using the bathroom. Hello girls! Haha sorry bad number two... I meet Louis back downstiars and we get some food.

Now everyone! Gather on the dance floor as we will now have our dance.

Hey y/n! Julia trys talking to be but i cut her off. Leave me alone Julia, I say walking away. Me and Louis start dancing as the music plays, You look amazing y/n. Im just glad your here with me Louis! I couldnt be happier. I say, Soon after the dance is over we go to sit down. Hey Louis i have to use the restroom, Ill be back. Alright, I walk up to the restroom and someone follows me. Darius grabs me and pulls me into a room, He locks the door and corners me into a small space. Darius what are you doing!

Dont you worry princess. Ill be quick , He starts kissing me and i try pulling away. His grip is to strong and im pinned against the wall, I finally get strength to punch him right across his awful face. Son of a- Hey hey, I shush him with my finger. We dont say that word, I run off and Louis is down the hall coming to check on me. Y/n are you okay? You have been gone for awhile, Yeah! Im fine. A girl walks by, She probally had to take a long "Number two" Like last time! I roll my eyes and we head back down stairs. I see Darius looking at me from upstairs, Y/n is something wrong? No! Not at all. I just feel a little sick. Are you okay? do we need to go? Its fine Louis really.

Everyone switch partners! We shall dance again.

Louis walks off to the dance floor.

Before i can barley stand up Darius takes my hand , Dance with me y/n. I roll my eyes

You wish! He squeezes my hand tighter, Dance with me! His voice gets louder. I walk out with him and he looks me straight in the eyes, What is wrong with you Darius? Im gonna get you back y/n. I see Louis glance over at times, I wish i was in Louis arms right now, I think to myself. Im dating Louis Darius! You arent gonna do anything to me. Oh really ? He kisses me so everyone can see including.. Louis. I can see him walk off with shock and sadness in his eyes....

yall i have no where else to say this to but i just got woke up to the sound of my dog about to throw up😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 anyways anyways <33333

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yall i have no where else to say this to but i just got woke up to the sound of my dog about to throw up😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 anyways anyways <33333

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