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Sorry for not updating in a little! I have been super busy.  Play the music when you see the *** It will be in one part of this so make sure your looking for it. It will add to the story <33 Please vote if you like this✨✨)

Time skip to night) Me and Louis are sitting on the couch watching our favorite show, Stranger things. Julia is over on her phone bored out of her mind. You guys are so boring! Julia says. I wanna go down to the beach or something, Do you both want to come? Oh, Sure i guess. Ill go, Louis says. Louis... Maybe we could wear swimsuits? This time. Oh, I think so too y/n. He blushes, I go into the bathroom and apply some lipstick, And i also throw on a oversized shirt i found in the bathroom. I have no idea if this is mine but, Who cares! I walk out of the bathroom and Louis and Julia are waiting by the door. Ready Y/n ? Yeah! I spray some perfume on. Ready now! We walk out of the hotel and go down to the beach. Maybe we should try to find some people to hang with! I say. Theres some people sitting over there. We walk over to them, Hey! Julia says. Do you mind if we sit with you guys? Sure! a boy says. He pulls out 2 chairs, Do you have any other chairs? Theres three of us... Sorry we only brought two extras. Its fine ill just sit on a towel, i say. You sure? Louis says while looking at me. Im sure Louis. Take the seat! I pull out a towel and lay it on the sand. We have drinks! We were gonna play T or D And have some drinks. Okay. Julia agrees, Louis looks over at me concerned. He whispers, Y/n you never drink are you gonna be okay with this? If you want to go i will go back with you. Louis im not a little kid! Ill be alright. If you say so. We never caught any of your names? Oh! im Katie. Im Josh, Liv. Olly! Conrad. Its nice to meet you guys! Im julia. These are my friends! Louis and Y/n. I wave and Louis smiles. He can tell im uncomfortable because im shy. My leg starts shaking, He puts his hand on mine. I look over to him and he is looking away talking. I blush and then look back to the water. Lets start T or D! Liv you go first! Josh says. Truth or dare olly! Dare. I dare you to... Go out in the cold water for 5 minutes! Olly goes out and gets in the water giving liv a death stare. Since ollys in the water... Conrad you go. Truth or dare Y/n. I look up quickly, Me? Is your name not Y/n? Oh- Yeah it is, Sorry. Dare, I dare you to take five shots. Y/n you dont have to do it Louis says to me. No no! Im gonna do it. I take the shots, Done. Conrad smiles at me. Okay, y/n ***** ( Play the music here )Your turn. T or dare louis! I say drinking A cup of "Juice" Dare. I dare you to Follow me. I grab his hand and get up, Falling around. Were in a dark corner where nobody is. Louis? Yes Y/n? I dare you to kiss me. He leans in and starts kissing my lips. He has me up against a wall and my wrist are pinned to the wall. We start kissing harder and we pull away. I take his hand and i pull him into the lounge room, I put him down on the couch and start kissing him again. I thread my hands through out his hair. He pulls away Y/n we need to get back to the group they are waiting... I whine, But we just started Lou? Y/n how much have you had to drink tonight? Just a little... Right. We need to get you some water.

Louis pov

I get up to get Y/n a cup of water, Shes sitting there with her hair messy and her lipstick is smeared. I look over at her while im fixing a cup of water and i laugh a little bit. She is sad i got up but i cant help laugh at the expression on her face. ( Take this as example)

  ( Take this as example)

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