Going home.

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Hiiii So i just wanted to take a minute before you read this, I was gonna continue with the last chapter but i wanted to just make this one.  Plus they needed to come home from the school trip😻 ( And also i wanted to say i have no idea what london is like so please dont judge if i say something wrong💀)okayyy enjoy <333

Im now home from the school trip, So much went down and now im dating Louis partridge. I have to deal with the school now knowing that we are dating, But im glad that im home now.  Time skip to morning time-

I wake up from my phone ringing its Louis. Good morning Beautiful <33 He says to me. Did you just wake up y/n? Sorry if you had 5 more minutes of sleep you could have had. He laughs, Yeah. I just woke up , I said with a low voice. Do you want me to pick you up when your ready ? Sure, Ill be ready in 15. Bye love. I say quietly. Bye y/n <3 I get up to get dressed and get ready so Louis can pick me up for school. Louis picks me up and we ride to school. We get out of the car and he holds my hand. As we walk in i see... Conrad? I start breathing heavily and Louis notices. Y/n are you okay?  Uh. Yeah im fine, Just uh nothing. I can tell he doesnt believe me.  I have never seen Conrad at school but he is older then me.  We go to our first class and Julia isnt there. I suddenly get a call and its Julias mom, Hello? Hey y/n. This is Julias mom... We called to tell you Julia had gotten in a car accident and shes very hurt.  We arent sure if she will make it or not. I drop my phone and my eyes tear up. Louis, I say crying we need to go. NOW  Y/n what happend? He grabs my hand and drags me out into the halway He starts wiping my tears and i cant seem to get the right words out. Lou loui- Julia.... She got in a Car wreck. I say struggling to breathe. Its all my fault i asked her to go and i shouldnt have! Y/n Its not your fault baby. We need to go see Julia. Time skip to hospital)  We see Julias mom crying in the corner.  I run up to her and hug as tight as i can. We just stay there for awhile.  I finally break apart, Is Julia gonna be okay? We dont know... She is in horrible condition and they are doing everything they can. She says while crying. Louis comes up and hugs both of us. I love Julia i cant loose her! She is like my sister. I know darling. Her mom says. It happend last night after she left from dropping you both off. A drunk driver hit her and left right after, She has pretty much broke most bones and they are scared she wont be here much longer. Can i see her? They arent letting anyone up.  I fought them as much as i could just trying to let me see her, Im sorry y/n. Me and Louis go sit down and i cry wrapped in his arms. He is hugging me so tight. He can feel my pain, He knows how much Julia means to me and how i couldnt imagine loosing her.  Louis, I say looking up at him. I love you, I love you to y/n.  Ill be here with you no matter what happends. He wipes the tears off my cheeks and he kisses my head. I had texted my parents and they will be here very soon. My parents get her and they come to hug me , Im so sorry Y/n! We know it happend so fast but you cant blame yourself. Were all here for you and we still have hope. They hug Louis and thank him for being with me. My mom and dad go to talk to Julias parents and we sit back down. Y/n What was wrong with you at school? You seemed so nervous. Oh um. I saw Conrad... He was there walking but i saw him look at me with anger. Why didnt you tell me? I didnt want you to worry. I just want to protect you y/n. I dont want what happend with Conrad to happen again. I know Louis. I tried so hard getting away, I was to weak. Its all my fault! I should have never went on the trip. Dont be hard on yourself. He wants you, He is trying to wrap you around his finger. Im scared to be around him. He isnt gonna do anything to you. Ill make sure of that. He kisses me and i smile. Y/n They are letting a few people up. My mom tells me. We get up and go with her mom to see Julia. I see her in bed in horrible condition. It breaks my heart to see her like this. We talk to her for a little to see how she is. Shes doing a little better but we still dont know whats going to happen. As we stand there something starts beeping and we see her close her eyes.....

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