Battle and Surprises

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Rem never came home after the graduation party. I should have trusted my instincts and went to Seattle to find him. Juliet is distraught about losing her brother. It has been a couple of days and there's been no word from him. I know it's most likely that Victoria got to him.

Jasper insisted that we all needed training against the newborn vampires. Since I am one, I was used as an example. Embry didn't like it but agreed that it would be best. It was almost time for the battle. Edward, Bella, and Seth are up in the mountains. The rest of us are standing in the field that Alice seen the battle happening in. I keep my stance beside Embry, his head against my leg and my hand in his fur.

"They're almost here," Alice states.

We all get ready to fight as the first newborns begin to emerge. It's a full on battle as we kill a majority of the newborns, helping each other when necessary. My hand goes around the throat of one of the newborns. I was about to kill him until I look into his eyes.

"Remington?" I gasp, quickly letting go of him.

"Holy shit, Maggie! I thought i'd never see you again!" He looks relieved as he pulls me into his arms

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"Holy shit, Maggie! I thought i'd never see you again!" He looks relieved as he pulls me into his arms.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Victoria turned me and I was thrown into this group. I was afraid to leave, Riley had us on a tight leash," He explains.

I hug him tightly, "I'm just glad you're okay."

The battle was dying down, only one newborn left. She had been hiding so they chose to spare her. I was too happy about Rem being okay to realize that there was a another newborn left. Leah went after it and almost got bit so Jake intervened. It resulted in Jake getting bit. I quickly run to him as he shifts back to his human form.

"Jake, you idiot, I had him!" Leah yells.

"Shut it, Leah!" Sam orders.

The pack all shifts back to their human form and Carlisle runs to Jacob.

"you guys have to get him out of here. the volturi is coming and you can't be here. I'll come after and check on him," Carlisle explains.

Sam orders the pack to carry Jake back to Billy's.

"Maggie, I need you to take Bree and Remington home. I'm afraid that Jane won't let them live if she sees them," Carlisle tells me.

I nod and lead the two newborns back to the Cullens.

"Rem are you guys going to be okay if I go check on Jake and the pack?" I ask when we get into the house.

"Yeah, of course," he answers.

I give him another tight hug and look at Bree, "it's going to be okay."

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