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I watch Sammy sleep peacefully in her bed. Seth came over to watch her while Embry went to Rome. It made me happy that Seth was the one here as he adores her so much. I know he'd protect her at all cost.

"Are you going to watch her all night?" I hear Embry ask from behind me.

I giggle softly, "I have the time too."

"Come lay with me, you know I can't sleep without you," He says, holding out his hand.

"You're such a baby," I tease him but take his hand anyway.

"You've spoiled me with your presence."

I follow him to our cozy bedroom. He already has That 70s Show playing for me.

"You know me too well," I grin at him as I quickly change into more comfortable clothing.

"Do you have to use your vampire speed to change?" He groans, getting into the bed.

"Of course," I say with a shrug and slip into the bed beside him.

"I think we need to talk about what the future holds for us," He says quietly.

"I know," I agree, laying my head on the pillow as I look at him.

"Obviously we need to get married first."


He laces his fingers with mine, "I think you should stay with Sammy during the meeting with the Volturi."

"I cannot do that," I shake my head.

"We can't leave her alone, what if something happens to us?" He asks, pressing his free hand against my cheek.

"Bella will hate me if I choose not to fight. She wants to protect her daughter as much as we want to protect ours," I whisper.

"Sammy needs you. She needs her mother here with her. I can't do it without you," He says with a deep frown.

"I need you to be with her. You can stop shifting and grow with her. You can meet someone and live a normal life with our daughter," I tell him knowing that it hurts to even think about letting them go.

"I don't want to live a normal life. It's been you and I since we were kids."

"I know it's been you and I but I was never meant to live like this, Em."

"Then we will both stay, neither of us need to go," He argues.

I close my eyes for a moment before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Don't kiss me like you're saying goodbye," He whispers.

"What if the Volturi comes looking for me?" I ask.

"I will protect you," He states.

"You know you can't do that," I shake my head.

"I will continue to protect you until my last breath."

If I could cry, I would be bawling right now. Embry loves me more than anything and would risk himself just as much as I'd risk myself for him. Instead of answering, I snuggle into his chest and breathe in the scent I've grown to gain comfort around. What once was disgusting, smells like home now.

I listen as his heartbeat slows down indicating that he's sleeping. I can hear Sammy's heartbeat as well. It's a calm presence surrounding me. I turn off the TV to allow the dark to indulge me.

Alice did a beautiful job setting up the venue

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Alice did a beautiful job setting up the venue. It's the night before my wedding and to say i'm nervous is an understatement. I'll be marrying the man that my soul is tied to. I'm just worried if the meeting with the Volturi will turn into a battle. One of our lives could be loss and I'm not sure if I can choose to not participate. If the volturi wins and sees I'm not there, they'll come looking for me. I have to protect Embry and Sammy at all costs. Sammy's is so innocent and I've tried so hard to keep this all away from her. I feel obligated to fight with my family but also obligated to keep my other family safe.

I feel Edward's eyes on me and I know he can hear all of my worries. He gives me a frown and shakes his head. He walks over to me.

"Let's talk," He says softly.

I nod, "okay."

"I don't want you to fight for my family if you're worried about losing yours. That's not what I want out of this," He tells me.

"I just feel so guilty," I whisper.

"You shouldn't, I would do the same thing if I was in your shoes. Choose Embry and Sammy. I will get Bella to understand. Rosalie and Emmett just want you safe," He continues.

I look up at him and nod, "thank you."

"Of course," He says, hugging me gently.

I hug him back with a tighter grip, grateful that my sister found him.

"Is Rosalie taking you out for some ridiculous bachelorette party?" He asks with a low laugh.

"Definitely," I say with a small laugh.

I let go of him and he gives me a crooked smile.

"Have fun and keep her tamed," He jokes.

"Yes sir," I say with a nod.

"Let's go, Magnolia!" Juliet yells to me.

"You don't have to yell!" I yell back at her.

"Right! I forgot!" She says, still yelling.

I laugh, "Jules! Stop yelling!"

Rose comes up beside me with a dress in her hands, "change and let's go."

I take the dress from her hands and do as I'm told.

Juliet spins me around just before we reach the club

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Juliet spins me around just before we reach the club. She has me in giggles as she's singing "Love You Like a Love Song" by Selena Gomez (😏😉). Alice chose a club in seattle for tonight which is my first time going. She got us all fake ids to get in. I'm not sure how she did that but I also didn't ask. I just couldn't wait to let loose with Rosalie, Alice, Leah, Juliet, and Emily. Bree chose to hunt with Remington before the wedding tomorrow. Those two really are inseparable.

Once we enter the club, I'm overwhelmed with how loud it is. There's so much happening around us. People are dancing, drinking, and talking.

"There's seats over there!" Alice yells, directing us to a table in the corner. I lead my girls to the table and slip into the booth. Juliet slips in beside me as Leah slips in the other side of me.

"What do you guys want to drink?" Rose asks the shifter and two humans with us.

"Water for me!" Emily tells her.

We all give her a quick glance as we realize what that means, "you're pregnant?"

"Yes!" She yells back to us.

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