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"Mummy! Can we play in the water?" Sammy yells to me, running over

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"Mummy! Can we play in the water?" Sammy yells to me, running over.

"Drag your dad in the water with you, I'm holding Archer," I explain to her as I look down at the baby sleeping peacefully in my arms.

She groans but runs after Embry who is playing football with Jake.

"I want to hold him," Nessie grins at me, holding her arms out.

"Watch his head," I remind her as I hand over my son.

It's been three years since the Volturi showed up to decide our fate. Alice showed Aro a vision that made him realize that it would end badly for him if he tried to fight them. I stayed with Sammy and Embry during the action, deciding that the best choice was to stay with my family. During Alice's absence, she found a man who is the same as Renesmee. We were shown that Nessie will live a long and happy life. Everyone is safe and at peace now. Bree and Remington have moved into Seattle to live on their own, the Cullens decided to stick around for a little longer until we no longer can, and Emily and Sam had a little one of their own. Juliet was happy to give us baby Archer by being our surrogate. Archer is a spitting image of Embry and I can't imagine not having this little angel in our family. Sammy is six now and is entering her attitude stage. She is still oblivious to the supernatural around her and I'm really hoping it stays that way. Nessie is still aging, she's not at full maturity and she won't reach it for at least another four years. She is so beautiful, though. She's the perfect mix of Edward and Bella.

After making sure Archer was set with Nessie, I chase after Sammy and grab her by the waist. She squeals as I pick her up and run towards the water.

"Don't drop me!" She begs through her laughter.

I pick her up above my head and on my shoulders, "I won't drop you."

"Thank you," She says, holding out her hands for me to take.

I reach up to take her hands and slowly walk deeper into the water.

"How deep are we going?" I ask her.

"Is the water cold?" She asks.

"Probably," I answer, shrugging.

"I just want to splash it," She states.

I lean down some so she reach the water and she begins to splash it using her hand.

"You're going to smear my mascara," I comment.

"Oh well," She says, continuing splashing.

I giggle right before I lean back to put her in the water.

She squeals as she gets soaked, "I'm so telling dad!"

"You're never leaving this water," I tease.

"Daddy!" She yells.

"I'm coming princess!" Embry yells back.

He instantly starts running towards us, water splashing all around him. By the time he gets to us, he soaks us with the water he's splashing.

"Daddy to the rescue!" He states, grabbing Sammy from my shoulders.

I chase them out of the water and quickly grab a towel to wrap around Sammy. I wrap it securely around her, "mum you're embarrassing me."

"How?" I ask, confused.

She glances over at Seth freaking Clearwater who is tossing a football with Jared. I can't help but laugh. My little six year old has a crush on a teenager.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," I say, letting her finish fixing the towel.

Later that night, Sammy is tucked into bed and Embry is walking around the house carrying a sleeping Archer.

I watch as my husband offers his hand to me and I gladly take it. I laugh as he spins me around in a circle.

"Do you want to watch Halloween so we have an excuse to cuddle?" He asks with a charming grin.

"Of course," I agree, taking Archer from his arms.

"I meant you and I cuddle," He states.

I shrug, "you can come join us."

He grins and gently picks me up bridal style, being careful with Archer as he does. He carries us into the living room and sets us down on the couch.

"Wait, I need snacks," He says, running back into the kitchen.

I laugh as I watch him roam through the cabinets to find his favorite chips.

He runs back, almost tripping over toys as he does and lands on the couch beside me.

"You're going to wake up the children," I tease him.

As if on que, I can hear Sammy get up and make her way into the living room.

"Too late," He says, grinning.

"You guys are so loud," Sammy announced, climbing on the couch to lay between us.

"Us? Never!" Embry laughs, pulling a cover over Sammy.

I flip on Halloween, Sammy has became a horror lover just as I am. She's a fearless little girl, that's for sure.

Embry leans over Sammy to give me a light kiss. I kiss him back and smile. I adore these moments with these three. Archer is so content on my chest, Sammy is cuddled up against Embry, and Embry still finds a way to make me feel the love I felt when we first started dating.

The familiar intro of the movie starts. Sammy knows the drill to act scared so her daddy can protect her. She's seen this movie close to a dozen times and knows every scene but still holds on the tradition.

Once it gets to a scary part, Embry pulls Sammy onto him and scoots closer to me. I lay my head on his shoulder and keep my eyes trained on the movie.

I only hope that Sammy stays so sweet and innocent. I don't want this world to knock her down the way it had to me.

The future is all hers. My sweet Samantha Call has the world ahead of her.

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