Two of a kind chapter 52

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Two of a kind
Chapter 52

Two months later.....

Erin POV

I'm feeling crappy have been for days I really hope it's not what I think it is I mean I didn't have my period last month but I just put it down to stress, I've been so worried that the cops will find out what happened to Marco not that I know what happened as Daryl hasn't said anything.

The next night after the attack Marco's house went up I think Daryl did it to burn any evidence that was there but I don't know that either. We haven't really talked since the night it happened, I think he thinks I hate him I don't I'm just a person that likes to be kept busy so my mind doesn't think about what scares me.

I decide I'm going to find out one way or the other.

"Mrs Dixon."

"Yep that's me."

"So how can I help you today?"

"What I talk about is confidential right?"

"Yes it is. What seems to be the problem?"

"Two months ago I was raped and I had the morning after pill when I got to the hospital but I haven't had my period since. I don't know if I'm pregnant or just stressed out."

"So you had the morning after pill right?"

"Yeah it's supposed to work."

"It doesn't always there is a failure rate of about ten percent also it might have been old stock then it won't work. Have you had any other symptoms?"

"Yeah been feeling sick and my breasts are sore. It's the same as all the others times I've been pregnant fives times before I know I am."

"Okay let's do the test and make sure you are. Pee into this and bring it back."

I feel like a nervous teenager I don't know what I'm going to do if it's positive I know it is but I have no idea.

"Okay mrs Dixon do you mind if I call you Erin?"

"Nope that's my name."

"Well you are pregnant. I take it from the look on your face this isn't happy news of course it's not. I'm sorry I was insensitive just then. We have people that can help you here in whatever you decide to do."

"What would you do doc if you were in my position?"

"I can't tell you what to do. But I think you need to speak to your husband, and then you two can decide what to do. We have counsellors here to help women like you."

"Thanks doc. There really isn't a choice not really."

"Well if you need someone to talk to I'm here."

I walk out of the clinic as I do I walk into Abraham.

"Hey old lady Dixon. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay. What are you doing here?"

"Come to pick up Rosita. You sure you are okay?"

"No I'm not. My life is over."

"You're not dying are you?"

"No I'm probably just being melodramatic."

"Hey come here you can tell old Abe anything I'm a good shoulder to cry on." He takes me into his arms and just hugs me, when he does it like the floodgates open and I sink to the floor crying. "Come on Erin wanna talk."

"I'm pregnant."

"That old dog Daryl. I thought he had the snip? It's not his?"

"No it isn't. I was raped two months ago."

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