Two of a kind chapter 61

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Two of a kind
Chapter 61

Daryl POV

"We will be there as soon as we can ten minutes."

"Shit ma'am I have to grab my son he's a doctor, he will know what to do." I drop the phone and grab my room key and raced to Hunter's room.

Knock knock

"Coming. Dad what's wrong?"

"Come quick son it's mom."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's had some kind of turn and collapsed I called 911 and they are on their way but I want you to keep an eye on her."

"Sure come on get in the room." I open the door and Erin is still on the floor.

"Mom mom you there? Dad how long she been like this?"

"Ah about eight minutes."

"Okay mom good news dad she's breathing so that's good we need you to open your eyes now come on mom. I will not let another person die while I'm here. Dad give me the phone." I pass the phone to him. "Hi who am I speaking to? Jackie okay you need to tell the paramedics this you have a 62 year old Caucasian diagnosed with arrhythmia her breathing is shallow and slow, pulse is slow, dad help me take this dress off her, give me your shirt mom can wear that." Hunter and I get Erin out of her dress not exactly how I pictured tonight going. Then I hear Erin start coughing. "Mom it's okay don't freak out you collapsed the ambulance will be here shortly sorry about the undressing I didn't want the paramedics to cut the dress off you."

"Water." I grab her a glass. There's a knock on the door.

"Paramedics." They give Erin the once over and while she doesn't want to go to hospital I make her go as they need to see if everything is okay. Obviously something is wrong for her to collapse like that.

Hunter and I find out where they are taking her and we drove to the hospital. I can't believe she's still having problems.

"I told mom she needs that operation but she doesn't want it, dad you gotta talk sense into her, if she doesn't get the operation she could die."

"She doesn't want it."

"And you know mom's heart isn't going to last right. She going to need that operation."

"And you know she could die having it so it's fifty fifty chance of her dying either way I can't make that decision for her she has to make that decision while she can and if she can't I don't know if I can."

"Dad you have to if she can't. She needs this her heart is getting worse and it will get worse if she doesn't get anything done to it."

"But son she doesn't want to, don't you understand that. We have to let her make up her own mind on things."

"She's not making the right choice."

"It's the right choice for her Hunter."

"Dad it's going to get worse these attacks she gets first they were just a shortness in breath, dizzy spells now she's collapsing at the moment she's waking up from them as they keep getting worse mom will have more and more difficulty waking up from them. Till the point when she won't."

"But both choices son it's a fifty fifty chance at her age she could die having the operation or she could die from one of these attacks. She wants to go when the time is right not when you say she should go."

"Dad I'm not asking her to commit suicide."

"Hunter drop it, the stress is no good for her when she's not stressed she's okay, she's been stressed due to the wedding I shouldn't have done it just taken her away somewhere nice."

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