Never Giving Up (Aaron Pauley)

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No matter how many times she asked him to Aaron will never give up.

Aaron and Y/n were screaming about Aaron not letting her come and visit on tour with him, and when they fought there was no mercey no bounderies when it came down to it and when he crossed a line she never thought he would she breaks down.

"No that is my final answer" Aaron said rubbing his temple

"The other guys would alow it but you can't even let me see the tour bus let alone go on tour with you all I want is a few days" She countered back


He turned an left the house needing to calm down or he would really snap on her. Even after he left his words still rung in his head.'I'm Done With You' The words she heard them a hundered times all before from her mother's many lover she always blamed her for her mother's lovers leaving her, but now it was happening to her. She dropped to her knees and felt like she couldn't Breathe.

"He promised" She muttered.

She shook and screamed she was so alone and abandoned by the man who bromised to love her and Never give up on her. She ran to the kitchen grabbing plates and throwing them at the wall. She grabbed the picture of her and Aaron and Smashed them on the ground. She knocked over the the vase Aaron had picked out for her after her mother's death.

She ran up the stairs knocking down the pictures on the way up she went to the bathroom and knocked everything down the dogs started barking but she ignored them she ran to her and Aaron's room and started throwing clothes eveywhere his and her's she knocked over the shoe rack and dropped to the ground crying Aaron had given up on her. She cried until she finally fell asleep in the closet clothes and shoes scatted all around.

~TIme Skip To The Next Morning~

Aaron's Pov

I stayed over at Austin's to let myself and Y/n calm down I felt bad about what I told her all she wanted was to spend more time with me. I put my key in the door hearing the dogs bark at something. I opened it to see the house destoried. I ran to the kitchen Plates and cup broken everywhere. I looked down the hall pictures broken everywhere glass scattered. I ran up the stairs and saw the bathroom looked like a tornato hit it. I didn't care about that my main consern was where was Y/n. I ran to our room it was the worse hit in the whole house I ran into it I pulled open the closet door and saw Y/n sleepin on the floor the dogs beside her. I walked in and lifted her off the ground her eyes still tear stricken. I felt so bad. She slowly opened her eyes and held my gaze. I placed her on the bed and she launched away from my arms.

"You lied you gave up on me you said you were done with me"

"No I was angry but you know I would never give up on you I love you so much it hurts" I said pulling her into a hug.

'No just give up on me I can't be fixed"

"I am never giving up on you" I said.

She hugged me and cried. I did this I made her cry this much and she s so hurt and broken inside. She continued to cry and I kissed her head. She was fragile I just din't know how much until now. I put my finger under her chin and kissed her.

"You can go on tour with me if you still want"

"Yeah I still want to. "

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