I Won't Give In *Cameron Liddell*

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Cam's daughter is at restaurant with him and the guys celebrating the new son and his daughter is getting a bunch of looks, and people are telling her she is waying Cam down, and when she runs into a guy at the restaurant, and he goes off and makes her cry so she runs out of the place and Ben's wife Sam follows her and Cam beats the guy up. Then she comes back in and looks at her father and hugs his repeating the lines I won't give in, and Cam says I know you won't.

Cam and the guys were sitting at the table as his daughter sat on his lap coloring at Applebees. James poked the child and she looked up at him and squints as Cam pushed up the childs glasses on her face. James and the small girl poked each other for a while when She stopped giggling and laughing. Cam looked dowm and looked at the child she was looking down at her lap. Cameron turned the childaround to face him. Her eyes had tears in them. He gave her a hug and tapped her back. the four year old seemed heart broken. Cam handed her to Ben.

"Why you crying huh?" Ben said in a funny voice that made the girl smile.

"You think I'm funny do ya?" He asked in the same voice

she nodded and laughed. Ben started tickling her and she laughed. She started to tell him her dad would beat him up. Ben laughed at the child's silliness. She looked over at Ben's wife.

"Sam I have to go bafroom"

"Okay love come one"

She followed Sam and ran into a boy around 20. he turned around and shoved her. He glared down at the small child as she started to get teary eyed. The man grabbed Y/n by her arm and ripped her off the ground.

"Watch were you're going you complete waste of space who are you with?"

"My Daddy, Uncles and Aunties" She said just above a whisper.

"Bet you are a pain and you just way him down. He doesn't love you" The man snapped.

The child's eyes grew and she took of running and crying outside of the restruant. Sam and Ben ran after her. Cameron rose to his feet and punched the man in the face. He was furious. He was going to kill this man. The guys grabbed Cameron trying to rip him off the man. Cameron wouldn't budge and continued to punch the man. He was going to kill him for grabbing his daughter and making run out crying.


Ben's pov

We ran after Y/n god only knows what Cam is doing to that man at the moment and poor Y/n. We turned the courner and found her siting against a wall in an Alley way. We walked over to her and I croutched down to her height.

"Hey love that man is wrong you know your daddy loves you and would never let anyone hurt you"

"H-H-He no need me" She cried

"Yes he does your daddy couldn't do half the stuff he does without you"


"Yup even told ya Uncle Ben this and you know what I don't believe it because he couldn't do any of this without you by him everyday"

"But Daddy no come"

"That's beacause he's beating someone up come on we better get him to stop or your daddy will go to jail."

She jumped up and held her arms out for me to hold her. I lifted her up and all of us took off to make sure Cameron didn't beat the man to death. we opened the door and Cam still punching the man blood all over Cam and The guy.

"CAM STOP" James yelled

"STOP IT" Guy Sam yelled.

"CAMERON STOP" I screamed at him.

"NO" Cam screamed stillpunching the guy.


Cam's fist was in the air as he stared at his child in my arms. I set her down and she ran over to him. She held on to Cam.CAm got off the man and picked her up holding her in his arms. The way he always held her after a bad dream or a long tour. The way they do before they leave each other or meet again.

"Daddy I won't give in" she said.

"I know Babygirl beacuse I won't let you give in" He said hugging her tighter

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