Protect Mummy *James Cassel*

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You a woke to a loud thunder booming over your house. You let out a scream and burrowed into your sleeping Husband James. He sleepily opened his eyes and yawned. He looked at you.

"What's wrong love?"

The thunder boomed again and you burrowed your face in his shoulder. He chuckled, he alway thought it was funny that you were afraid of thunder storms. You choked back a sob. He instantly felt bad. You sobbed harder. You hated the loud rumbling and loud crashes. James didn't know that when he was gonna on tour. You would bury your face in his pillow curled up in a ball.

"Baby please don't cry you'll wake up Cameron and that won't be a good thing"

You ignored him and cried more as Jamse started to rock you. He hushed you and tried to keep you quiet. You guys heard the door open. In popped your four year old son Cameron. He was a spiting image of James when he was young.

"Mummy ae you scared like you are when daddy is gone?" Your son Cameron asked from the door.

"Hey buddy yeah mummy is scared how about you protect Mummy with me?" James said.


You stopped most of your crying and not wanting Cameron to see you crying so broken and weak.

"Yes Baby?" You said

"Do you want me to protcet you with daddy?" Cam asked

"Sure baby daddy always needs help that is very kind of -"


You screamed again and jumped more onto James's lap.


Your son ran over to the bed and looked at you and you scooted in the middle both James and your son refuse to sleep in the middle, so you are stuck in between your two men. You turn over so your back is pressed against James's front and your son's back is against you. Jame's arm wrapped around your waist and around your son's waist. He stayed up until he was sure both you and your son was asleep before slowly closing his eyes and kissing your temple. The storm didn't bother you much anymore you had James and you beautiful son Cameron to protect you.

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