I Love You *Ray Miller*

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*Ray and his girlfriend fight before he leaves for tour about starting a family and Ray tries to call her but she ignores his call until he comes home four months later and he is really scared when he opens the door she has blankets wrapped around her and won't look at him and he keeps asking her what's wrong and she tell him that she is having his baby and it's a boy and it will time skip to where the baby is born*

Ray ran his fingers through his hair for what felt like the hundredth time during this fight and he was at his wits end with this fight.

"It's not like I am saying that I don't want to have a family with you just not right now" Ray said trying to stop the fight that seemed to be lasting forever.

"Why am I not good enough to have a family with?"

"I never said that Y/N And you know that" Ray said.

"Oh no I get it just go to tour and do what you love more than me or having a family with me"

"You know what I do love my band more because they don't yell at me over stupid things" Ray snapped grabbing his bag and slamming the front door leaving.

She was taken back by what had come from his mouth. She felt so betrayed and sad that he had said that to her even if they were fighting she never thought he would go that far. She fell onto the couch still holding her stomach, tears clouded her eyes.

"It's okay baby mommy still loves you so much daddy just doesn't now what to do at the moment"

She sat there on the couch and just stared at the wall and cried all night. She felt like she wasn't good enough for Ray or to have a baby Ray help create. She got up the next morning and got in the shower to start her day and she looked down the small bump it wasn't very noticeably and when she wore Ray's shirts you couldn't tell at all. Ray continued to try to call or text her she never replied why would she he loved his band more than his long time girlfriend.

~Time Skip~

Ray Babe- Hey can you at least pick me up from the airport?

no response he sighed. He asked Bret to take me home. Bret agreed and drove Ray to the house. Ray thanked him running into the house. HE walked in and looked into the living room and saw a pile of blankets and inside was his girlfriend eyes all puffy and blood shot. Ray pulled her into his arms and kissed her face. she pushed him away and curled away from him hiding away from him.

Ray went to grab her again and pulled her blankets away anfd he saw her bump it was much more noticeable and even in his shirt you could see she was clearly pregnant. Ray pulled her to him and started to cry. she looked up at him and started to cry with him.

"Ray it's yours and I understand-" she was cut off by arms around her waist pulling her to him.

"I am so happy"

"You are?"

"Yes I am so happy you are okay and I had time to think about it as long as its with you I am okay with starting a family"

~Time Skip To The Baby birth~

"Aw look at him Ray he has your face"

"He sure does" Ray said looking down fondly at the little blue blanket holding the little baby in it.

"I am so happy to see him" she said

"Bret Charles Miller my son" Ray said.

"Our son dummy" she said laying in the bed holding he gaze with Ray.

"Ya our son"

"You named him after me?" Two voices yelled in unison.

JC and Brat looked at them an smiled. Ray shook his head and laughed. He looked down at his son and smiled he liked this feeling the feeling of being a dad.

"Huh thing one and two before you wake him" Y/n scolded.

"Yes ma'am" they said.

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