Coming Soon

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So this is gonna be pretty different to write in some respects. The last 40s story I wrote with Steve was America's Sweetheart, but this? Well, I'd like to think I've grown as a writer since then and hope that this story is better than ones that I wrote back when I first started publishing.

You guys loved the one-shot, and I like switching things up as always. So here it is - October 43, all ready for you to add to reading lists if you want to!

Before we get into it, I want to say that if things aren't historically accurate(even though I do try, the amount of hours I research for things like this is mad) then simply turn a blind eye! I have so many stories on the go that sometimes things may be wrong, but hey I'm only human. 🤷🏻‍♀️.

I hope you guys are all ready to head back to the 40s. I know I am! I love writing this era but have found that 40s Steve hasn't really had much traction as much as other Steve stories have. I don't know why, but hopefully this one will prove to be popular.

Gee 💜

October 43 (Steve Rogers x OC)Where stories live. Discover now