Chapter 3

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"You're out of your mind, I'm not keeping Florence Nightingale here for us to babysit" Phillips eyed Steve with the same disapproval as he always had. The Captain now wanting him to allow her to work in the hospital wing for the SSR whilst in their captivity. "She's our prisoner of war, note the word 'prisoner'". He emphasised. "The whole point of this is for her to help us by giving whatever information she thinks of".

"And should my men or any agent become injured then she can help". Steve pled her case. "Colonel, the room she's in is cold, she's been barely given any food..."

"Did Hydra give our men anything when they were captured? No". Phillips turned and argued back. "She stays with us, we're heading to London HQ so we can plan our next move from there. You saw the maps where those bases were located, so we need to bring down those - if we can bring Zola or even Schmidt when we do so then that's good enough for me - what's to say the pretty German girl doesn't know more than she's letting on".

"She doesn't - I can see it in her eyes. She's told us everything". Steve then sighed. "Give her a chance to do her job, it's another pair of hands for us, plus we can watch her in case anything suspicious arises. Bridgette is a victim, not the enemy no matter what side she comes from. Schmidt took women like her to use in the facilities for his own gain, and he certainly had some kind of 'thing' for her that's for sure. She didn't give me all the details but the way she looked when I spoke about him? It said enough. She told me enough".

Phillips groaned. "If I agree to this will it shut you up?"

Steve smirked. "Probably not but I'll take it as a yes that you'll let Bridgette help out in the medical wing all the same?"

He nodded. "She can start when we get to London, but one step outta line or anything suspicious that comes back to her and she's put under heavy guard - Ok?"

"Yes sir". Steve nodded, the triumph rising inside. Phillips was a hard man to bargain with, but at least he'd managed to persuade him. If he could see Bridgette wasn't a threat then hopefully her work for the SSR would lead to better things once this war was over.

"Rise and shine nursey! We're moving out, and you're coming with us". Colonel Phillips practically burst into the cell the next morning, causing Bridgette to sit up from the poor excuse of a bed they had given her.

She looked at him. "Where are you taking me?"

"London, seems the Captain's taken a shine to you - be thankful someone's fighting your corner because despite everything you've said so far? I still don't trust you".

"Because I am German?"

"Because as far as I'm concerned you're Hydra, anyway Captain Rogers spoke to me. And outta some brief mental affliction I had, I agreed that you could help us out while in captivity, working in the hospital wing while we're in London".

Bridgette nodded. "I see...he didn't not have to do that".

"No, but he did". Phillips replied flippantly. "So let's get moving".

She was escorted out, still feeling every inch the criminal as the men looked at her and the women turned up their noses, whispers clearly heard as she passed.

"She's the German - the one who killed those men"

"She looks too innocent - it's deceiving, that's a face with evil behind it.

The sooner they got to London, the better, although Bridgette knew that wherever she went within her confinement of the SSR building where she was to be held, and to work - there would always be the stares and whispers. Why would you want to receive medical treatment from the enemy anyway?

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