Chapter 9

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"Why is it that every time I'm not around you do something stupid". Bucky said as he and Steve sat in the bar that evening, rowdy with agents who were drinking away their day as well as locals of the area. "You married the damn prisoner to what? Make a point? Coz you've once again fallen in love with the first girl you've put eyes on?"

Steve shook his head slowly. "I did it to protect her".

Bucky frowned. "Seriously? That? That is classic Steve Rogers right there".

He went to get up to leave, not feeling like being ridiculed for his actions, least of all by his best friend. "I knew you wouldn't understand..."

"Wait" Bucky grabbed his arm and sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to take it all in". Taking a long gulp of beer and then looking back up at Steve. "So...what are you protecting her from? Schmidt? The SSR itself?"

"Everyone, but mainly Schmidt. If he finds out she's with the SSR he'll have her killed for sure, and as for the Colonel? He could use her as part of a negotiation strategy. She's not cattle for trade. She's as human as the rest of us".

Bucky shrugged. "Well I mean you're not exactly normal" now throwing Steve a small smirk. "And she agreed to wait, of course she would have - I mean, next to you I'm now invisible".

"Shut up" Steve smirked, "I know what I'm doing".

"I hope so because the rest of us don't, you prepared for the insane amount of crap to come your way? Because it will".

He nodded. "They'll get over it, but for now? I need to know you understand".

Bucky sat back, "I understand that you're still the stupid kid from Brooklyn, and this is yet another fight you've chosen not to run from". He paused. "I just hope once again I'm not saving your ass from it"

"You wont be".

"So...tell me about Bridgette. What's she like?"

"She's sweet, tries to be strong but she's scared - even I can tell that. But why wouldn't she be? She's in a new country, was wrongly arrested for working with Hydra and worries that Schmidt will hunt her down".

"And she was mad enough to agree to marry you, but I guess I can't blame any trauma for that". Bucky looked over to where the others were sitting. "They're gonna have field day when they find out about this, but they'll accept it". He shrugged with a small smile. "Coz they're idiots, but the best and most loyal ones that you'll find".

Steve laughed into his drink, finishing it before getting up. "Tell them that a briefing is at 8am, I need to get back".

"Got you under the thumb already has she?"

"No, but I'm concerned for her. I'll see you in the morning". He replied and left, saying Goodnight to the other commandos who seemed confused as to why their leader was leaving at an early hour.

Dugan frowned as Bucky came over. "Where's Cap off to?"

"His wife" Bucky said, downing the last of his beer. "Get another round, I got a story to tell you".


Bridgette glanced across to the door as it unlocked and opened, Steve walking in and seeing her preparing herself for bed.

"How was James?" She enquired, "he looked as though he was about to have some sort of seizure when he was here earlier".  It was true, he'd said nothing but she was sure that his eye began to twitch. Then Steve had guided him out and said he'd explain more at the bar.

He nodded, "Bucky is Bucky - don't worry, he understood once I'd explained it all to him".

"Steve...I don't want to be the cause of any disagreements in your friendship". She began but he stopped her.

"Bridge, he's fine. If he wasn't then he'd have said it, not only to me but to you too".

"Okay..." she now looked at him watching her. "Could you turn around? I erm...I need to get changed out of this uniform". 

"Oh! Yeah sorry" he turned around, standing there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets while waiting for her to change.

The curiosity was getting the better of him though. Back before he'd joined the army it wouldn't have. He'd have simply been respectful in that circumstance and would have thought no more about it - but now? Sure he was still respectful but the wonder of what she in particular looked like underneath her attire seemed to be tugging more at him.

That was what he got for joining the army. Corruption. Thankfully he was understanding women a lot more now he'd taken a few to bed. And he hoped that within time he'd understand her.

Steve slowly looked back with discretion and caught a glimpse of her as she went to put her chemise on. She had a beautiful body to say the least. No blemishes or marks. Just flawless porcelain skin - at least from here it was. Closer up he'd be able to account for every freckle or tiny mark that remained hidden from this distance.

"You can turn around now". She said, as he did so fully. "Sorry, I am not used to this". Arms hugging herself so as he wouldn't see more than she wanted him to. Although she was unaware as to how much he had seen just moments ago.

He walked over to her and gently took arms. "It's ok, trust me". Slowly removing them so as he could see more of her chest. "You can trust me".

Bridgette looked up at him with a nod, gaze dropping down to where the back of his hand gently brushed across the start of the valley down between her breasts.

Steve could feel her heart beneath, beating faster. She was anxious, and the last thing he wanted to make her feel was that. "It's okay. I just wanted to see how much trust you had in me".

She moved away. "It is a lot more than you think Captain, I know you wouldn't take advantage. I didn't know whether taking me to bed was something you'd expect straight away".

He shook his head. "It's your decision. I'm not expecting anything of you Bridgette. You've been through hell, so if and when you're ready? Tell me".

"Thank you". She gave him a small kiss on his cheek and then got into one side of the bed, settling down as he changed, turned out the light and got in beside her.

"Goodnight Bridgette". He said through the darkness that had enveloped the room.

She lay there before she replied quietly. "Goodnight, Steve".

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