Chapter 7

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Bridgette had headed for the sanctuary of her room later that evening, where she knew that none would dare to enter unless necessary. After all, who wanted to pay a visit to the German girl who was Hydra scum? That was the latest slander that she had heard as she'd worked that afternoon, and now she felt more alone than ever. She'd tried to avoid Steve at all costs, knowing that if he'd known something was wrong, then he'd have taken action. She didn't want him to though. Then people would talk worse about her. He seemed to be the only one who showed her compassion for her situation. Still, she couldn't fully understand why, but it was nice to have someone in her corner all the same. And she supposed that being in London wasn't too bad, even if she was a prisoner.

There was a knock on the door and she looked to it before it opened. "Can I come in?" Steve asked, Bridgette now nodding as he did. Closing the door silently he turned to her. "Are you ok now that Phillips knows the situation?" He'd tried to look for her earlier, but she'd been nowhere to be found, most likely working or even hiding herself away.

"Not particularly, but why should anything be any different? He will not tell anyone about who I am will he?" She now looked at him a little scared.

"No". He shook his head. "But I'm still concerned about you - which is why I don't want you to think that I'm mad for suggesting what I'm about to." There was a pause. "I spoke to Stark this afternoon, and I need to know whether your marriage to Schmidt was legal? Did you sign anything?"

Bridgette shook her head. "Unless he forged my signature, I've never seen any documents to clarify. Like I said, it was quick, and mainly for show so as he could be seen as a stable leader".

"So it wasn't legal?"

"I don't believe so, but it still took place all the same..." She frowned. "What is it?" Now seeing his face.

Steve wasn't quite sure how he was going to explain this to her, but he had to. "I think I may have a way that will guarantee your freedom, but to also ensure your safety at the same time". He saw her nod for him to continue. "Stark knows someone who can marry us - tonight. It'll be legal, and it will mean that you'll no longer be considered a prisoner - or that Schmidt can 'lay claim' to you as much as I hate the word.

Bridgette looked at him as though he'd gone insane. "You want me to marry you? Phillips won't allow it, no one will! I am German, Steve! Your people are fighting mine in this pointless war! You will not be able to keep me safe anywhere. I am just as much a moving target as you". She now turned away from him, feeling the salt of tears stinging the back of her eyes.

She'd not cried in weeks. She had refused to let others render her that way, and now here was a man who had succeeded - and just from being kind. He was offering her a chance of safety, but at the same time it would mean any future he'd hoped for with anyone else would end. Bridgette didn't want to be the reason for taking anyone's happiness away from them.

"I can't..." was all she could reply, "I know you think you are helping me, but you will not be helping yourself..." Now she turned around to look at him. "You are a good man, probably the finest I have met. But you shouldn't give up your life or future for me. I am not worth it, and I know that..."

"Because you've been made to feel that way". He replied and after a brief pause, continued. "I never had anyone, only Bucky. Before all this..." He gestured to himself, "I wasn't anyone. No one paid attention and when they did it was usually because I'd stood up for myself and was getting beat up in an alley or something". A small chuckle escaped him. "But what I mean by it is that I'm not giving up on anything, not when I had nothing. Erskine gave me the opportunity and I took it because I wanted to help, not kill anyone. And so that's what I wanna do. I wanna help you..."

Bridgette looked at him before she finally spoke, her voice quiet. "You would risk your reputation by marrying a girl who is seen as the enemy? Who is a prisoner?"

"I would if it means that she could have a good life after being put through what she has". He replied. "But I'm not forceful. It's just something that could help your situation if you took it".

She thought hard about what this could mean. It was dangerous in some ways, especially if Schmidt were to learn of it but Steve was a good man, and there was no reason to think that he wouldn't be able to give her a good life once the war was over.

"What about Phillips?"

"Phillips will know when I tell him, right now it's none of his concern". He stated. "If he threatens anything then he can fight this war without me. No one else has to know either unless there is a need to say something, which there may be at some point. It would make them stop talking. Obviously Stark would be aware of the situation, but like I said, the decision is yours".

Of course it was. He wasn't about to force her into marriage, that would make him just as bad as Schmidt.

She was still pondering, slowly pacing her room until she stopped and then looked at him.

"How are we to leave here? I'm under strict instruction to be locked in my room from a certain hour, wait..." She checked her watch and saw that it was past the hour, then looking to him, a guilty smile now crossed his lips.

"I may have kind of knocked them out..." Now opening the door and then showing her the two agents slumped by the wall. "I said I'd been sent to speak to you and they questioned my authority". He shrugged. "What else was I supposed to do?"

Bridgette stared at the two unconscious men, before then looking to Steve, her mind now made up. "How long do we have?" 

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