Chapter 6

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Her whole body trembled as she stood in front of Colonel Phillips along with Steve, explaining the situation of who she was and how she had come to be in that position. All the while the Colonel remained poker faced, eyebrow raised as though he didn't quite believe anything that was being said. 

Eventually he spoke after a long couple of minutes of silence. Presumably trying to take in everything and perhaps work out whether Bridgette was more the enemy now than she had been seen as before. 

"Well..." He then paused. "That's quite the story..." 

Bridgette toyed with the apron she wore as part of her uniform. "If you wish to lock me away, perhaps even make an example of me? I will understand". 

"That's not how the SSR works nursie. We're not gonna kill you just because some madman forced you to marry him". He said in the usual gruff tone. "You said you think Schmidt may look for you if he knows you're alive?" 

She nodded. "Perhaps. He divulged details to me about Hydra's purpose. If he knew that I had fallen into your hands? He would not hesitate to hunt me down and silence me himself". 

"Like that's gonna happen, he tries and we'll be ready for him". Steve replied, kept quiet while he'd let her do the talking. 

"You have far more important things to do than keep a look out for Schmidt". She reminded him, knowing full well that the Colonel was listening. "You have his bases to destroy. I have seen your maps. It will take you time and still there is one left that you have yet to locate. Your focus is that, just as it is mine to try and treat any injured agents who may return here - even if they do not trust me..." 

The Colonel nodded slowly. "The German lady speaks a lot of sense- which is something I never thought I'd say. We can't waste precious time and resources keeping her guarded from Schmidt. You have a job Rogers, a team to prep and help destroy these bases. As for the main one? Do we know who would have the information as to where it would be?" His eyes went from Steve to Bridgette. 

"Doctor Zola. He is your only chance of finding that base. But I have no idea where he went. For sure he will still be by Schmidt's side, but where that is? I do not know. He is a crucial lifeline to him, and you cut that? You may have a chance..." 

With a silent nod, the Colonel dismissed her, keeping Steve behind and then looking at him. "She seems to be a good informant...geez the things she must have seen being married to him". 

"She's being treated poorly by other agents and fellow medical staff sir". Steve now felt compelled to tell him of the scrutiny she was receiving." 

"She would be, she's the enemy in their eyes". Phillips replied. "She just needs to put on her big girl pants and deal with it. We're fighting a damn war and she's crying over being called names?"

"I just think if she had some protection" 

Phillips interrupted him. She gets locked in her room of an evening and doesn't come out until morning. Protection for her and for us. She's still a prisoner of war Rogers, nothing's gonna change that or the way she is treated. She's given us information, and in return I've given her the freedom to work for us. It's a fair deal in my eyes and it'll remain that way until this war is over, whenever the hell that may be". 

It wasn't going to be any time soon that was for sure. They seemed no closer to winning as the days rolled past and turned to months. It would take a miracle. Schmidt and Hydra were just another piece of the puzzle that they had not expected to be dealing with - but here they were. 

"Now, will that be all? Or do you need me to waste more agents watching her for you 24/7 because you have a crush?" 

"No sir..." Steve replied. "And it's not a crush. I just don't agree with the way she's being treated" 

"Well it's a damn sight better than it would have been. Just be thankful she's not in a cell with only rats for company. This? This to her should be paradise". 

Steve turned and walked out, his mind now working overtime. No matter whether she was a prisoner or not? He still felt a sense of duty to keep this woman safe, especially from the hands of Schmidt. He would just have to take matters into his own hands and keep his eye on her, but being away? That would be complicated. The only person who he knew would possibly help him out there was Howard, and Steve made a mental note to talk to him later on - but for now? He needed to go and find Bridgette to see whether she was ok. 

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