Chapter 2

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The last thing that Steve had expected to find during the rescue mission, was a young woman hiding within the same lab that Bucky had been found in. He wasn't the type to leave a woman in a building about to collapse, whether she was Hydra or not - but she would prove useful to them. 

The colonel had managed to get nothing out of her, and all Steve had to go on was a name. 


"Try and see if you can get something outta her, she ain't talking for me - pretty face like yours she just might". Phillips grunted to him as he walked out and closed the door. "Then perhaps we can decide what the hell to do with her".

Steve watched as the Colonel walked away and then walked into the room, seeing Bridgette sat staring at the tabletop. He noted she'd not eaten the little food that had been given to her, nor had they provided anything to keep her comfortable. She was shaking from the cold.

"Are you cold?" He asked

She said nothing, nor did she look at him.

Instead he took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. "Here, it'll warm you up".

"I don't need 'warming up'". She said quietly. "Just let me die, please? I am of no use to you or your organisation...the other man? Your Colonel? I told him everything I knew already".

Steve set himself in the chair across from her. "He wants more..."

"Don't men always?" Her eyes went to his and then she sighed. "I cannot give you anything more than I already know".

"Bridgette". He leant across and took her hand, she flinched and moved it away. "Sorry...just, trying to keep you calm". Sitting back and thinking of how to go about this in a more delicate way. She'd been through more than expected, and that was clear. "Doctor you know why he was experimenting on people?"

She pulled the jacket around herself a little more, the thoughts of what had gone on back at the facility making the hairs on the back of her neck stand upright. Schmidt eyes on her, his attentions always focused on her whenever he came to observe the 'experiments'. The men she'd had no choice but to assist in killing. That was how she saw it anyway. "No. Not fully. He never discussed it with me or any of the others. If we knew too much anyway then we would have been killed - which I suppose may have been the better outcome".

"You don't mean that".

"I do. I spent every day wishing that he or Schmidt would just put me out of my misery. Some of the others purposely angered the soldiers just so they could have the easy way out. None of us wanted to be there. We were held and used just like your comrades".

Steve nodded, they seemed to be getting somewhere at least. "Can you remember anything? Anything at all? Things he may have said, or used. Conversations with Schmidt even?"

He saw the cogs in her mind working as she thought hard about whether she could recall anything. "Some serum. He was testing different elements, making changes always. Then if it didn't work? He'd simply try again". She trailed off, the image of many men dying on the lab table fresh, and it would never leave.

"Serum..." Steve said to himself. "He ever mention a man called Erskine?"

"I overheard the name in a conversation once...why?"

"Because I think I have an idea of what he's trying to achieve". He told her, "When I found you and my friend, I noticed a map on the wall, there's other facilities like the one".

"They are for research and weapons development, the one I was held in was for exactly that. As well as testing on prisoners, they were developing weapons for the war. I never saw any of that kind of thing - they either had be in a lab all day or locked in my room". Bridgette admitted. "They were powerful though, you would be a fool to try and go up against Schmidt - not when he and Zola are developing the kinds of weapons that they are. Human or not".

Steve nodded. "Just as well we have some good men, coz I'm gonna need all the help I can get". He looked at her. "Do you know where Zola went?"

"You really think I would know?"

"The Colonel does, I don't - I know you're just another innocent in this. If you weren't then you'd have taken some cyanide pill by now, not given us information".

Bridgette looked away. "I would rather take the pill than be placed in captivity yet again, please...just end this".

"You know that's not an option. You're safer with the SSR than you would be out there. Death isn't an option anymore Bridgette. Not when you have a chance to have a life".

"As a captive of your organisation?"

He shook his head. "Let me speak to the Colonel. You came into this war to help just as many others did. Sure you would technically be helping the opposition, but we all want the same thing. For this to end".

"I wouldn't be of much help".

"You're a nurse, and if I'm correct then helping people is all you know at this point. Just like you wanted to no doubt save those men that Zola experimented on". His voice became gentler in tone. " couldn't have saved them even if you wanted to. You help us here then its another pair of hands helping to win the war. Not just against Schmidt". He saw her recoil slightly at the name and looked concerned. "What did he do to you?"

She shook her head, knowing that he would only get the information from her anyway. "Nothing any other man like him hasn't already tried". 

Steve rose from his chair. "Well he won't be able to come near you anymore. Listen, I'll speak with the Colonel, see if we can get you outta this cell and into a more warmer and comfortable room. I'll also talk to him about you helping in the hospital wing".

"I am certain that your agents or fellow soldiers will not like being treated by the enemy, Captain".

He turned to her as he went to leave with a small smile. "It's something they'll just have to deal with. Don't worry, you're safe here. I promise".

"Why are you being so kind to me?"

He shrugged with a small smile before he left her alone in the cell with two parting words.

"Why not?" 

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