Chapter 22

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"Remind me why we're here again?" Bridgette asked as she sat down next to Bucky a few weeks later. "I've never been to something like this before".

"Because Steve's idea of bonding apparently is to make us sit through a two hour musical about himself". Bucky rolled his eyes and sank down a little more in his seat, looking around uncomfortably. He doubted that anyone would recognise him now that Bridgette had given him a decent haircut, but being out and about in public was enough to give him even more PTSD than he currently was dealing with.

Of course Steve had thought the idea was hilarious, and had said it would do the pair good to get to know one another so as they could move on from the past. So now he was back home with Jack awaiting the review.
Bucky was glad that the child wasn't scared of him. In fact he wouldn't leave him alone on the occasions that he had visited so far so that was a good sign he supposed.

Bridgette now chuckled at Bucky's response and shook her head. "He's not too happy about his life being sung about, then again people think that he is gone".

Bucky glanced at her. "If you had the chance, would you have both stayed back then?"

She shook her head. "We both know what would have happened if we had". She now paused. "Do you miss it?"

"If I'm honest? Not really. Food's better, more technology, better medical treatments. Even you have to admit that back then it was a wonder how we survived".

"It certainly it's like a vague memory".

The lights went down and the music began. "Oh joy, it's starting". Bucky's sarcasm sounded and he prepared himself for what horror was about to come.

The pair only managed the first half of the show before deciding that it was indeed terrible, and that they could have spent a Saturday night doing something better. "Shall we get Steve something from merch stand?" Bucky smirked as he now held up a plastic 'Rogers the musical' shield and mug.

"Oh he will love it". Bridgette smirked. "And if he asks, we stayed for all of it", now holding out her hand as they both shook on it.

The next afternoon, Steve and Bridgette stood on the porch saying goodbye to Bucky - the two men giving one another a manly hug before they broke apart.

"Don't be a stranger". Steve told him, "And thanks for keep all this under wraps".

"Your secret's safe with me. I know how it would get if anyone knew the three of you were here"

Bridgette looked to Steve who nodded and then to Bucky. "Four". She confirmed, feeling her husband now slipping his arm around her waist protectively.

A grin now began to form on Bucky's face. "Well, I would say that I'm surprised but at this point,  I'm not. You two deserve it". He now gave them both another hug. "Do you know when?"

"The summer". Bridgette smiled.

"Well then let's hope for your sake it's a girl - don't wanna be outnumbered" Bucky chuckled.

Bridgette shrugged at this. "At this point I am lucky to even have what I have". Now looking to Steve who kissed her head. "But Steve's right. Don't be a stranger, you are always welcome whenever you want. As far as we're concerned, this is your home too - and always will be".

Bucky nodded, now getting his phone out and looking at the text. Sam. "I'll be back, just got some loose ends to tie up first".

Steve frowned. "Anything I should be worried about?"

"That's the thing. I don't know". Bucky shrugged. "But I need to go. I'll call you or something once we've wrapped it up". He gave them one last hug. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back?"

Steve laughed lightly. "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you".

Watching as Bucky headed off, Steve now turned to Bridgette. "Now Mrs Rogers. I think we have a life to get on with", leaning down and giving her a kiss.

She looked up at him with her smile that never once left his memory for all the time that they had been apart.

"I think we do...Captain".

The End

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