Chapter 20

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The calm sound of the birds chirping in the trees was the only thing that Steve heard as he looked around the garden of the home he stood outside of. It was quite early in the morning, just after 7am, but he didn't mind. Not when he got to spend these quiet precious moments with his son...

Jack was currently exploring around the garden, under his father's watchful eye. He'd been awake as Steve had gone to go for an early morning run so instead they had come outside ao as not to wake Bridgette.

His plan had worked, turning up at the home where his wife and son resided after the war, holding her as she sobbed violently against him on realisation that he had come back to her.

The feeling when he had held Jack for the first time? It was unexplainable but overwhelming.

Now they had been back for some months, Steve bringing them home and taking her to the house that Peggy had left to him before she had died. Stating that if he finally did decide to hang up his shield? Then he could have some peace away from prying eyes.
The home itself boasted some beautiful surroundings, but far away enough from the towns or the road to be stumbled upon. Bridgette had so far enjoyed tending to the large garden while Jack had played amongst the trees. She'd come to settle into modern life - finding the technology of the present day fascinating, but sometimes a little scary. Here, no one cared of her nationality for there were many. There was no prejudice against women and them working. Eventually she would like to get a job of her own, but right now her focus was still on coming to terms with the change, but Steve was helping her.

Her light footsteps now crossed the porch and down the steps, handing him a cup of coffee with a small kiss. "How long have you been out here?"

"A good hour or so, he's more interested in trying to kill the flowers than playing", Steve smirked as Jack continued to run about.

"War against my flowers? I thought we were done with battles and fighting". She smiled.

Steve had told her everything, although she still couldn't quite understand some parts. It seemed that there still were threats, dangerous ones. Bigger than what they had endured back in the past? She was unsure, but with today's technology, it was probably worse. She wasn't going to pretend that she understood. It had taken years for Steve to move on and come around to this way of life, and she would be no different - however they still both agreed on bringing up Jack with the same old fashioned values that they had been raised on.

He was a good kid, and now his father's shadow. Wherever Steve was, then you were sure to find Jack.

"I am...but the others? They won't be - there's always something out there, but they don't need me anymore".

"They may not, but Bucky does..."

He glanced to his wife, his best friend's name being mentioned for the first time since he'd sat her down and told her the truth of what happened. At first, she couldn't make sense of it all, but considering that Steve had come back for her and Jack before the event was supposed to have happened? She could understand more about how it was not Bucky who was in control of his mind at the time that it occurred. It made forgiveness easier, however at first she was shocked to learn of what had really happened to him.

"You should tell him where you are Steve - people may think you're gone but he still has to live his life coming to terms with what happened to him. He needs you. Your support - he can't navigate this life alone. That would be like leaving me here to do so".

Steve sighed and took out his phone, having acquired a new one so as he couldn't be traced by Tony or anyone else. It had been amusing to hear all the theories as to where he went. The best one being that he was on the moon. It was hilarious. He wasn't about to get started on that awful musical that had come to Broadway.

He nodded. "You're right...maybe it is time he knew".

"I'm always right". She smirked and watched him text some coordinates and to come at noon to Bucky's number, but nothing else. "Why didn't you say it was you?"

"He'll know..." Steve said as Jack came running back over. Swinging him up in his arms, he looked at him. "But now, I think it's time we go you some breakfast and cleaned up kid".

Bridgette nodded. "How about I go bathe him and you have some breakfast?"

He shook his head and gave her a kiss. "We got plenty of time. Breakfast first, bath after".

Whether Bucky would show, was currently unknown - but Steve wouldn't blame him if he didn't. 

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