Chapter 17

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All eyes were on her once more, although for different reasons. That was why Bridgette had kept to her room since the news had been given to her.

She didn't eat much nowadays, and sleep was a distant memory.

Howard had done all that he could to locate the plane and even Steve himself, but again kept coming back with the same answer each time.


"I'm going out again to-"

"No." She said weakly and then looked at him, her eyes simply blank. There was nothing there in them anymore. No joy, happiness, not even sorrow. Just nothing. "No more..." she now told him. "He is gone Howard...and you have done all that you could to bring him back to us. I can't bear to wait again only to be told there was nothing. It's time to stop the search".

Howard looked sadly at her. "I don't wanna give up on him". His voice was quiet and defeated. "Not just for you but for me too. He was my friend".

Bridgette shook her head. "I can't take another disappointing search. Each time I remain hopeful only to be shot down again. It's killing me Howard..."

The conversation had happened weeks before, and now Bridgette found herself seeking the inventor out once again, keeping her head down to avoid any unwanted conversation and eye contact with people who would only ask her the same question. "How are you?" and each time she would tell them she was fine and then shut down.

She wasn't fine. Everybody knew that and her pace now quickened towards the lab, opening the door and seeing Howard working alone.

He looked up and smiled lightly. "Bridgette, I wasn't expecting to see you?" Then again who was? She'd hid herself away for the last month or so, choosing only to speak to him or Peggy. "Everything alright?"

"Not really..." She replied with a small shake of her head, arms hugging her body for some sense of security now that Steve was gone.

Putting his tools down, Howard looked at her. "Bridgette..."

"I think I'm pregnant..." She now told him quietly, feeling and looking somewhat disconnected. The truth was that she was in more shock than anything, now staring at the floor still trying to get her head around the possibility that she was carrying a child.

Howard blinked. "Well I'll be damned..." now pausing. "You're sure?"

"I missed a course, I've never missed one...and If I am? I don't know how I will do it. I'm scared Howard, this baby? He or she may not be like us",

"Steve was enhanced, and the chances that any child of his might be the same are high. The doctor I have is good, discreet. He'd be able to see you and confirm what we may already know - and as for the chances of the baby having the same kind of abilities that Steve had? I'd be able to tell once its born through blood analysing. I have a sample of his and can compare the two". his mind now working even harder than it already did. "But any news of this? That Captain America has a child? It could be dangerous. People wanting your child for their own devices".

Bridgette swallowed. "I have to keep this baby safe..."

Howard nodded at this. "And you will. You can stay with me, have the baby. I can even set you up with a place where no one will find you".

"You don't have to".

"I want to. We can't afford to have anyone know about this or find you. They're saying the war could be coming to its end, although I'll only believe it when I see it. It would be better for us for sure, at least then no one would suspect - but if we're here for some time? We may need to rethink".

Bridgette pulled her cardigan around her a little more. "It's bittersweet...his life ends and yet his child's? It begins...he should be here. He would be so, so happy..."

Howard sighed. "I wish he was too, at least then we'd have been able to have a plan. Steve always did after all. He'd have known what to do in this situation".

"Somehow I don't think that he would have". She smiled lightly. "We had this dream of just slipping away and living away from prying eyes when the war was over. Perhaps children eventually, although it was something we never got to discuss as much as we did other things". In some ways she wished that they had. At least then she would have some sort of idea of what to do.

She just hadn't expected to be doing it on her own.

"Have you told Peggy?" Howard asked.

"Not yet. I didn't know what to do, so I came to you". Her hands toyed with the buttons on her cardigan.

Howard thought for a moment. "I could get you to my place sooner, but I'd need to leave and come back here. You need to see the doctor so we can decide where to go from here".

Bridgette nodded. "I need to get out of London. I need to get away from here. I can't keep looking at Steve's things anymore. I haven't the heart to put them away". Some personal items she had done, locking them in her drawer in case anyone went to remove them, but other than clothes and the odd book, that was all that was left of her husband.

Scratching the back of his neck. Howard then looked at her. "I can get you out of here tonight, if that's what you really want? But I'll have to tell Phillips why. He'll agree to it once I give him the list of risks it would impose if we kept you here".

"You're a good man Howard, even if others say otherwise".

"Be ready, 11pm, take what you'll need, but once we're at my place, I'll make sure that you're given anything you want". He patted her arm. "It's gonna be alright..."

Bridgette could only hope so, because the only link left to her husband now grew inside of her, and she would protect their child with her life. 

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