Chapter 14

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"Owwwww!" Bucky groaned as he sat upon one of the beds while Bridgette examined him. The group coming back from missions with scrapes and cuts was becoming normal now as the months passed. 
Within that time, Bridgette had become a little more settled in her role and the agents of the SSR had in turn become used to her presence. The sneering and comments had eventually died as she ignored it and focused on doing a better job than any of the other nurses could. Matron was a hard one to please, however even she now sometimes praised Bridgette for her efforts and knowledge. 

With regards to her marriage? She felt herself lucky that Phillips was even allowing her to continue nursing. Had things have been normal then she would have had to give up her job immediately. Thankfully the colonel said he had only made the decision to keep her out of everyone's hair and to curb the boredom she would feel. 

Her relationship with Steve had flourished as the months began to pass. They were now in the summer of '44 and between missions, the pair had the chance to come to know one another. Personally and physically. Sometimes they would talk into the very early hours, and over time she had come to realise that there was something she felt. Steve had never once argued with her, never raised his voice or became angry. He could be a quiet storm when it came to his work though. But he was kind and the feelings she had found building up were becoming more obvious to her. 

She had fallen in love, and it was no secret that he had done the same with her. 

"Hush, I've treated children braver than you". She now scolded her husband's best friend, who sat clutching at his shoulder. 

Bucky looked at her. "Those kids ever almost get blown up?"

"Yes, although some were surely too young to be on the battlefield". 

It wasn't uncommon for boys to lie about their age and say they were older than they were.
It pained Bridgette to know some of the ones that she had treated had left the world, but she had simply had to reassure them to not be scared, and to always be brave and bold. That was before she'd had to be that herself when it came to Hydra taking her.

"My pain is valid then" Bucky now said, wincing slightly. 

"I never said that it wasn't", she smiled sweetly. Then with a swift move, put his shoulder back into place as he groaned. 

"You could've warned me". 

Bridgette threw him a look, "And have you complaining even more James? I've learnt that the element of surprise is always key". 

Bucky grinned, rolling his shoulder to stop the ache. "Now you sound like Steve - did he tell you that?" 

"You bet". Her husband's voice now came from the doorway as he leant against it, watching the pair. "He all patched up?" 

"For now". She told him, washing her hands and telling Bucky that he was now free to go and rest. 

Steve gave him a reassuring pat on his uninjured shoulder and then came into the room. "Let me guess, he was a baby about it". 

She now laughed and nodded. "You failed to tell me that you almost were blown up..." now putting her hands on her hips and scolding him. 

"It's always like that, need to destroy the target bases somehow". 

"Then I think I'm going to have a serious word with Jacques about explosions and keeping safe. He is the one who deals with all the ammunitions". 

Steve smirked, coming over to his wife and sliding his arms around her waist from behind, chin resting on her shoulder as he now quietly spoke to her. "You've never had any problem with me exploding before". 

"That is different Steven". She turned her head slightly and looked rather unimpressed. "Any more talk like that and I'll be washing your mouth out with soap". 

"What time does your shift finish?" He asked, looking about and seeing that the hospital wing wasn't as busy today. 

Bridgette looked at the watch that hung from her apron. "Soon, about a half hour". 

"Matron!" Steve now called and the woman came over. "I'm going to be needing Bridgette to take a look at some injuries, but I don't exactly wanna do it here. Think she can finish her shift now so she can examine me privately?"

Matron, who looked rather sceptical, agreed and within any hesitation, Steve pulled his wife out of the hospital wing and back to their room, locking the door behind them before he kissed her deeply. "You are a bad man Captain". Bridgette scolded between kisses, hands working at  getting her husband's clothes off. "If only people really knew what you're like".

"Can't always be the good boy for everyone". He smirked, reliving her of her uniform and guiding her back to the bed. "Especially my wife", covering her mouth with his again as they shed the remainder of their clothes. 

He then moved down between her legs, "What are you doing?" She asked. 

"You'll see...just relax". He looked up at her and smirked before his face disappeared between her legs, a gasp escaping her mouth as his now connected with her. A few expletives in gentle German were uttered as he his tongue continued to lick at her, both his hands keeping her legs prised apart. She felt the familiar heat inside of her begin to swirl and rise, the euphoric feeling building until she released - Steve moving over her soon after before making her shake again as he slid inside of her, both of them beginning to move together even though she shook with every thrust.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as he moved deeper, pace quickening until the frame of the bed was all but beginning to bang against the wall. She didn't even care who heard anymore, her moans becoming a little louder which only spurned him on even more. "Steve..." She let out a quiet groan. 

"Say it again sweetheart... go on!" He urged, feeling himself about to explode as another powerful thrust had her yell his name. On this, he felt himself spill into her, his own head now spinning until he finished, bodies slick with a sheen of sweat and both panting their way through the aftershocks. 

His forehead rested against hers, eyes looking into one another's. Bridgette brought her lips up to his, kissing him gently. "Do you love me?" She finally felt the courage to ask, considering neither of them had admitted it to one another. 

However his next words took her by surprise. 

"Bridge...I think I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you..." 

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