Chapter 18

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Bridgette hummed gently as she rocked back and forth in the rocking chair, trying to get her son to sleep.

To say that Jack was the image of his father was an understatement. She'd known that from the moment that the midwife had passed him to her on delivery, and even Howard had commented just hours after that he could see Steve in the baby's features.

Stark had done so much for her over the course of her pregnancy that Bridgette had no idea how she would thank him. The war had ended just months after Steve had gone into the ice, and after the SSR had packed up, everyone now trying to return to somewhat normal lives after years of only knowing conflict - Howard took her home to New York, entrusting her care to his doctor who they knew wouldn't breathe a word of the baby's heritage.

Howard had taken Jack for some tests after he had been born, coming to the conclusion that there was evidence that he too would possess his fathers abilities - however when they would come into full effect was unknown.

Now at over a year old, her son had shown no signs yet of super soldier activity. He was good tempered, good natured and Brigette couldn't have asked to be blessed anymore than she already had.

"Now, now my beautiful boy - it's time to settle. No fighting. You may be like your father, but you need to sleep". She lightly scolded, pulling the blanket a little more over Jack to swaddle him a little more.

Steve would have adored him...

Bridgette always thought that because she knew it to be true. No doubt he was proud of what they had created, even if he wasn't here to experience it for himself.

He was still around. At least, what was what she liked to think. It brought her more comfort.
Sometimes she would just have conversations out loud hoping that wherever Steve was, then he would hear her.
It could be about anything, from the weather right down to her talking through her day.

The home that Bridgette now dwelled in was one that Howard had secured for her, isolated, and away from anyone who could pose as a potential threat. That included anyone who turned their noses up at a German woman now residing in their country. The last thing she needed was harassment, so this home was perfect to raise her son and live a nice and quiet life. Groceries were delivered to her by Mr Jarvis or his wife Anna - who Bridgette had come to know quite well.

Anna was her only friend aside from Howard and Peggy, and would often have tea with her after the grocery delivery. She would sit and play with Jack, expressing her own desire for a family one day. Bridgette could only hope that it would happen. Mr and Mrs Jarvis were a wonderful couple.

With Jack finally asleep, Bridgette set him down in his cot and tucked him in, watching him for a moment as she admired him. "Goodnight my darling boy". She uttered and snuck out, smiling to herself once she had quietly closed the door.

The nights were lonely now. More so than they had been before. 

Even though Bridgette had Jack to keep her occupied, she found that her bed was far too soft in comparison to the hard mattress that she had slept on at headquarters - that along with the loss of Steve's warmth next to her. Some nights sleep didn't come until just before dawn, and even then her son would wake only an hour or so later. It was a wonder how she still was functioning but she knew that within time, the pain of loss would ease - but the grief would never leave. 

Bridgette woke some hours later, hearing Jack crying from his room, and slowly got up, shuffling into the nursery but then stopping upon seeing someone standing next to the cot. 

Holding her son..

Switching on the light, she opened her mouth to confront the intruder, but only one name escaped her as the man now turned to look at her. 


There was no response to this. Instead he chose to simply look down at the child in his arms and then back at Bridgette. Her senses told her that this wasn't the same man who they had thought that they had lost in the war. 

It was very much Bucky, but it was like he was no longer of sound or mind. 

"Bucky...give me Jack, please..." Her voice shook, sensing that his visit was anything but good. "He's Steve's son, please - let him go back to sleep". 

There was no response, even to that. Almost like he didn't even know who Steve was. "Please put him back to bed. He's just a baby, he needs his sleep..." 

Silently, Bucky put Jack back into his cot, blank eyes then resting back on Bridgette. "Thank you". She said and now backed out of the room as he began to slowly walk step by step towards her. 

"What happened to you? They told us you were dead - Steve saw you fall..." By now she was out of the room as was he - Bridgette thankful that they were away from her son. 

That was until she caught sight of the glint coming from Bucky's arm as the light hit it. The fingers flexing as he continued to venture slowly towards her - emotionless. 

On hearing Jack's cry for her again, Bridgette looked to the room - the terror now edging in before she went to run towards his door, Bucky now grabbing her as she did. His hand went to her throat, lifting her up and then dragging her across to the stairs before letting go.

He watched her for a few moments at the bottom of the stairs afterwards. No life being shown. It was confirmation that half the mission was complete before turned his attentions to the room that contained the child.  

The only sound that followed was that of his footsteps on the floor as they headed back to the room in question. 

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