Chapter 10

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The talk was soon all around the bunker of how Captain America had been lured into marriage by a 'German whore'. 

That was their words anyway.

Steve and, surprisingly, Colonel Phillips had given all agents and workers a strict talking down about the whole thing, and while Phillips had admitted it was not 'ideal', everyone simply needed to accept the situation. That Bridgette was technically no longer a prisoner, but someone who needed protection.

It still didn't stop the whispers or the odd jibes thrown her way as she worked on the ward though. Sometimes some of the female agents would even have the audacity to try and flirt with Steve in front of her, however he would simply ignore them and turn his attentions straight to his wife - much to their annoyance.

"Finish sterilising the instruments and then your shift is done" The matron stated, dumping down ones that Bridgette already knew were clean, into the sink.

She sighed but didn't attempt to argue back with her, knowing that the woman would always win. Bridgette knew she should have been finished just hours before, but knew that they would take advantage of her when they could - to make her work for right to be accepted.

The doors opened and Bridgette then heard a few "Hello Captain"'s in soft, enticing voices.

"Is my wife here?"

"She's not done yet". Matron now stepped in.

"Oh I think she is"

Bridgette smiled to herself and wiped her hands on her apron, now appearing and seeing Steve there. "I have a few things to sterilise..."

"I know for a fact you were supposed to be done by 6pm. There's other nurses here, let them deal with it". He now shot a warning look to Matron. "Come on sweetheart..." Taking Bridgette and steering her out of the ward.
When they were halfway down the hall and out of earshot he stopped. "You shouldn't let them take advantage of you, and don't say that they're not because even Howard has said they are".

"I'm fine".

"You're dead on your feet".

She sighed. "We all are, there's a war on".

"And what are you going to do when I'm away?"

Bridgette shook her head. "I do not need you to fight my battles for me. This is what it will always be like - the comments, the looks, even after the war is over I will not be welcome here regardless of its outcome".

He brushed a stray lock hair from her face. "So we'll deal with them, find a house somewhere where no one will find us or bother us, and live our life..."

Bridgette smiled lightly. "That sounds wonderful".

"It'll be the best that we can make it. I promise".

Returning to their room, he got her something to eat while she bathed and then began to study some papers given to him by Phillips about the upcoming mission.

"When do you leave?" Bridgette asked once she had finished eating.

"Tomorrow evening". He looked up briefly and then back down at the papers. "Are you sure you're gonna be ok while I'm gone?"

She nodded and got into bed. "I have endured far worse than a bunch of jealous nurses", now settling down next to him. "Do you think you will find him..." now daring to ask about Schmidt.

Steve turned out the light. "I don't know, but if we do? We'll make sure that he's not getting away this time".

"Be careful". She warned, "you don't know what he's capable of".

"I have an idea of just what though. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine and as much as I'd like to have Schmidt there at the target base? Chances are that he isn't".

Bridgette was silent for a moment before she rolled onto her side to face him, leaning in and placing a kiss onto his lips. "Just be careful, please".

Her action surprised him considering he hadn't really touched her apart from when she'd allowed him to a few weeks before - but he went with it all the same. His hands slid under her nightgown and then he felt her freeze. "It's ok..." Now assuring her and feeling her body relax a little under his. "Remember, you can trust me".

"I know..." she replied, "I trust you".

It was confirmation and with a swift tug, the nightgown was ripped from her as they kissed once more. Her hands helping him to remove his top and then his pants until both of them were skin to skin. 

All those months on the USO tour had taught him a great deal, hell he'd even surprised himself - but this was the army and he'd seen and done things he'd never thought he'd end up doing. Marriage being one of them, even if it had been something he'd thought he'd have one day. 

Bridgette gasped against his mouth as he began to inch into her, walls stretching to accommodate before he began to thrust into her gently. She brought her legs up to his waist for him to move deeper until finally he began to hit the spot. 

She swore gently in German as he now smirked and leant into her ear. "Language". 

"I...I wasn't expecting..." 

"Am I hurting you?" He stopped momentarily but she shook her head. "Alright...relax, enjoy it" he assured her and began to bury himself deeper into her once more. 

Her hips began to move against his, nails digging slightly into his back as his thrusts became harder and her moans louder. 

She could scream the while damn bunker down for all he cared - at least people would know she was satisfied. 

Steve began to feel her tighten around him, his head beginning to reel as he could feel himself about to explode - and it was only his name that escaped from her lips that made him do so, spilling into her while she released around him. 

Finally, he pulled out and collapsed next to her, one hand running through his hair and glancing across to look at his wife. 

Bridgette turned her head to look at him. "At least that will be something to remember me by while you're gone". 

He grinned , "Likewise. I'll be back before you know it". 

"I hope so, I didn't marry you just for you to die on me Steven". 

"And I don't plan on doing so anytime soon". 

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