Chapter 8

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Phillips looked like the vein in his forehead was about to bust as Steve stood in front of him the next morning. He'd delivered the news, having been summoned by the Colonel with his demands as to why two of the agents had been locked in Bridgette's room.

Steve wasn't going to sugar coat things. Howard had been more than happy to help, even witnessing the marriage himself and escorting them back to headquarters. They'd slipped in unnoticed by the two SSR guards patrolling, and that was it. It was done.


"So do it sir". Steve shrugged. "But you won't have me raiding the Hydra bases with the Commandos. I'll happily hand over my medals, and Bridgette and I will take our leave".

"You're taking something that's for sure!" Phillips glared. "In your moment of goddamn madness, what point was there to all this?"

Steve looked at him. "She never legally married Schmidt, so should he try to find her, which is a possibility, then he has no right to demand we give her back into Hydra hands. She doesn't deserve to be locked away. She's not a threat, just a German woman who wanted to do her bit for the war as we're doing. Do you have any idea what she gets called by some of the agents here?" He asked, seeing Phillips face change slightly.
"They call her things that I could never dream of calling a woman, and these are your agents. I know that after her door gets locked at night, she cries for hours because she's here when she's done nothing wrong. She's innocent and you of all people know it. It needs to stop, and the sooner we deal with these bases the better, because then I can get her out of here".

Hands behind his back, Phillips now rounded the desk and paced back and forth in front of Steve. "Now this is a crush I didn't see getting out of hand, but here we are. As much as it pisses me off to admit this Rogers, we need you". He paused. "As nursie is now your wife, that gives me no choice but to release her to you, but she's your responsibility. Any crap that comes your way? It's on you. She doesn't like what people are saying about her? You deal with it. Something happens to her? Once again it will be on you - congratulations". The returning to his desk. "Dismissed".

"Thank you sir". Smiling to himself as he walked out.

He'd won that battle with Phillips, but there would probably be many more when it came down to Bridgette. No one would have to know of them, but Steve knew that he would have to tell Bucky. The commandos would be heading to a pub later that evening so he'd take him aside then and explain everything.

Bridgette was in her room when he found her, packing the very little belongings that she had. Most were clothes that had been provided to her and her uniform. She would move into his room, and now began the process of coming to know one another more. There was no way he would take advantage of her, but he could tell she was nervous about sharing a room with a man once more.

She looked up at him as he came in, the simple wedding band that Howard had managed to provide them with last minute still feeling a little heavy on her finger. It was a risk that she'd had to take - all that had changed technically was a name and a signature on the certificate. "I thought you would be with your men?" She said, folding up some clothes into a neat pile to transfer.

He shook his head. "Later on. I need to meet with them to discuss the upcoming mission anyway".

Bridgette nodded and looked around the room. "I have never been more thankful to see the back of a room like this. Will you be long this evening?" Sounding a little nervous in some ways.

He shook his head. "I don't plan to be. Can't get drunk anyway so I haven't really got a reason to stay any longer than I need to".

"Does it annoy you?"

"Not really. It just means I'll always win at drinking games". He smirked and helped her with her things. "I spoke to Phillips earlier..."

Bridgette glanced across at him as they made their way down the never-ending hallways that made up the sleeping quarters. "Was he mad?"

"As expected. But you're no longer considered a prisoner. Whatever happens is on me and you're now my responsibility apparently".

She nodded, her mind thinking everything over. "I think people need to know..." Now stopping and looking up at him. "It could change things for the better, and if it doesn't? Then it is everyone else's problem, not ours".

He showed her into his room and she began to put her things away. "Are you sure?" Now wanting to know whether she was serious about the information becoming common knowledge.

Bridgette turned to him. "They will find out sooner or later, no matter how much we may try to hide it". Now smiling weakly at him. "Thank you though...for what you have done. I hope I can be a good wife to you, and not a regret".

"I don't have to go out tonight if you don't wan-" He was cut off by her shaking her head.

"You have a mission to undertake. I will be fine here".

"I can always lock the door if you want to feel safer?" He suggested.

She shrugged. "What is one more night of sleeping in a locked room?" The putting the last of her things away and looking around, seeing his notebook open on the desk with a sketch on its page. "You draw?"

"Occasionally". He admitted. "Doodles, and stuff".

"A monkey on a tricycle is no 'doodle'" she smirked, looking at it and then realising that he might not want her intruding. "Sorry...I did not mean to pry".

He waved it off. "You're not, and funnily enough I drew that one before I met you, haven't had a chance to do so since".

"Well we are fighting a war...I think we can forgive you for neglecting your drawings". She smiled warmly, which made him do the same in return. "I am terrible at drawing, the most I can manage is stick men".

"What did you like to do before the war?" He asked, wanting to know what life for her must have been like.

As bad as it sounded, Bridgette now found it hard to recall life before the war had broken out. "I helped my parents with their shop. I'm from Munich, so where we lived, business was always flowing..." She trailed off. "I miss it, but at the same time I do not".

He nodded his understanding to her. "And I'm guessing they'd not be too happy if they knew of your current situation".

"No. They would be livid. I am their only child. They probably do not know whether I am alive or dead. Being in that kind of limbo is probably best for them".

Before Steve could say anything else, his door opened and Bucky walked in, "So Dugan was thinking that..." he now noted Bridgette standing there and looked from her to his friend. "Ok, what have I just walked in on?"

Steve ran a hand through his hair. "Close the door Buck, you're gonna need to sit down so I can explain this".

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