Chapter 21

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Bucky hadn't been expecting the text from the unknown number to come through with co-ordinates, and on looking at the maps app it simply pinpointed to nothing by the looks of things. Part of him wondered whether it was Steve, but then again why would Steve be asking him to meet in what looked like a random patch of land. Still, he ventured there on a motorbike he'd hot wired (there was really no point in owning a vehicle in the city when there was public transport) and made his way to the location.

The tree canopied track the map eventually made him turn down, made him realise that this wasn't a random field. It was a road to somewhere, and the more he rode down it he eventually saw what he was supposed to be looking at.

A house.

A very beautiful one at that. With flowers that bloomed from window boxes and a porch that wrapped around the home where someone now stood at the top of the steps waiting patiently.


Bucky got off the bike and now walked over to the bottom of the steps, smiling weakly as his friend now did the same back warmly at him. "Hey Buck..."

"I didn't do anything stupid..." He said with a hint of melancholy in his voice.

Steve smirked as he walked down to meet him. "Probably because I took all the stupid with me".

Immediately the pair embraced before pulling apart, Bucky now looking around. "You know, you could've just said it was you".

"I can't take a chance. I'm guessing you're still in contact with Tony and the others?" Steve replied as Bucky nodded.

They hadn't exactly left him alone to wallow in his depressive state. Sam tried to call him more than at least three times a day on some days, before taking the hint and giving up.

"They've been looking for you, or at least they were...Tony called off the search so Sam told me". He explained. "Nat's not gonna give up though".

"You talked to Nat?" Steve sounded surprised.

Bucky shifted slightly, hands in pockets. "She wanted me to go out looking for you - mini mission if you wanna call it that. I told her no, that you were obviously gone. But I did wonder whether you managed to make it back". He paused. "They're rebuilding the compound...asked me to join them - Tony's still wary but hey - I would be too if i had to work with the guy who killed my parents..."

The sound of the door opened and now as Bucky looked up he took a few steps back slowly. Eyes regretful. Of course Bridgette was going to be there, but seeing her in the flesh when he still had memories of that awful night was something that was surreal.

Did she know what he had done?

"It's ok" Steve assured him, "I told her everything".

"So why is she still smiling?" Bucky asked doubtfully as Bridgette beamed at him now coming down to join them before enveloping him in a hug. Bucky kept his arms held out, unsure as to whether to hug her back.

"It wasn't your fault. You are not that person". She told him quietly, and that alone was the closure that he needed. Now wrapping his arms around her tightly whilst trying to keep himself from falling apart. Now she pulled away and looked at him. "You need a haircut James". She lightly scolded as he now laughed and shrugged it off.

"I s'pose it's getting a bit long..."

"How are you? Really?" She now asked, looking seriously at him.

He shook his head. "Well. They want me to go talk to some shrink about my feelings, so you can imagine I'm not exactly happy about it".

She frowned. "Why not?"

Bucky sighed and now looked at her and Steve. "Hey Steve, when was the last time we sat down and talked about our feelings?"

Steve smirked. "Can't quite remember - probably before the war".

"You soldiers, always keeping things locked up and trying to act like you are ok. You do not fool me". Bridgette shook her head at both of them in disappointment and then turning back to Bucky. "Talking will help you and you know it - it's time to let go of everything, you have a new life here now, just like me". She now looked brightly at him.

"And you think therapy is the best place to start on that?"

Bridgette eyed him with some amusement. "No, but I think a decent haircut will help. I can do it for you if you like?"

"You really don't have to". He now protested, not wanting her to go out of her way.

"I don't - but I want to, if you'll let me".

Bucky looked to Steve who shrugged. "She's always right - but it might help. You may feel brand new".

Bridgette now climbed the steps of porch. "I'll make us some tea while you talk".

"Did you manage to get Jack down for his nap?" Steve quickly asked, wondering whether she needed him to try.

"I won the battle against our stubborn boy". She chuckled. "But next time is your turn - now, let me go and make that tea".

Bucky stared after her. "How is he?" Now asking after the toddler as they sat at the table on the porch.

Steve nodded with a admirable smile. "He's everything I could've wanted and more. You'll love him".

"Probably won't need to be saving his ass on the school yard though". There was a grin on his face.

"I wouldn't say that - he may need you in the future".

"Well know I'll be there - no matter what". 

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