Chapter 16

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Nothing was said as Bridgette helped Steve to prepare for the attack on the last and final Hydra base - the place where they would finally find Schmidt.
Since Bucky had fallen from train, Steve had been consumed with a mixture of guilt and revenge, vowing that he would kill every last Hydra agent including Schmidt himself.

He had been distant, sometimes not even returning to their room until she had gone to bed. Even then Bridgette would try to stay up and wait for him, but would slowly end up falling asleep.

Last night had been different. He had retired early, both of them spending the evening tangled in one another until the early hours. His way of apology for neglecting her as of late. Both of them running on a few hours sleep, they had risen before the usual wake up call and prepared for his departure.

Taking his helmet, she passed it to him, then securing the strap under his chin once he had slipped it on.

Steve took her hands and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, eyes looking at her from behind the mask of the helmet. "We're gonna finally get him Bridge".

"Just be careful. This base is huge, there will be more men, more weapons..."

"We're prepared for anything he'll throw at us. He's not going to get away with anything so easily".

It still concerned her, even more so that the colonel and Peggy would also be going. It simply showed the severity of the situation, and just what was at stake.

Steve took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. "When I get back and this war is over? We'll get away from here, have a house where no one can bother us, just like we spoke about".

It was the dream. A home so isolated that there was no one to stumble upon it. No nosy neighbours. They could live in peace and perhaps one day have a family of their own.

That was the goal, but first they needed to see this mission through.

"I can't wait". She smiled lightly up at him as he pulled away and took his shield, placing it on his back. "Steve..." she now stopped him, "you do know that I love you, don't you?"

He nodded, "and you know that I love you as well?"


"Then that's all that matters".

She followed him to the door, both of the pausing before he went to walk out. "I'll be back before you know it".

"I know you will be". Bridgette gave him one last kiss, the commandos now appearing and giving the nod to Steve that they were ready to move out. Making sure that he had his compass, he said goodbye to his wife one last time, the group now leaving to make their way to the plane that was to take them to their destination.

All the while Bridgette knew that she wouldn't be able to rest easy until her husband was back by her side.


Bridgette had been unable to sleep more so than she had been able to lately. The bed simply felt empty whenever her husband was absent. Even though it had been just over a day since he had left, she yearned for him.

There had been no updates as of yet. She couldn't count how many times that she had been back and forth to Howard to see whether the colonel or anyone had radioed in.

So far the lines had been silent.

"Still nothing, but that means it's usually a good sign". Howard looked up from his lab table as Bridgette found herself walking into the lab once again.

"I'm still worried". She hugged herself anxiously, looking around as the technicians worked away. "What are you working on?"

"More weapons and protective gear". He confirmed, once the war is over I can get back to focusing on my flying car". 

"You made a flying car?"

He chuckled sheepishly. "Almost, needs a few tweaks but I'm saving that one for a rainy day".

"Well I would like to see once you are done".

Howard grinned. "As would everyone, you can be the first". He told her, still seeing that she was pacing and irritable. "Hey, he'll be alright", now gently reassuring her.

She nodded, "I know, I just worry every time he leaves - especially now we have lost Bucky. He just hasn't been the same".

"I don't blame him for it either. When you have a rep like he does? It's a kick in the nuts that you can't even save the people you love when everyone expects you to be the hero".

Bridgette toyed with her wedding ring. "He doesn't see himself as that, even if everyone else does. He blames himself though, wishes that he could have done more".

"It couldn't have been avoided - it's how war is". Howard said sadly. "These men? They know the consequences and what they've signed up for - they're prepared to follow Steve and die for him if it means saving others and stopping people like Schmidt". Howard explained, "Even Steve knows the risks". 

She looked at Howard with some guilt. "Is it wrong to sometimes wish that he isn't who he is?" 

Howard smiled and shook his head. "No, it's not. it's natural. He's a target and so the risks are high, if anyone else were in your shoes then they'd be wishing the same. But Steve's not just strong, he's clever too - always has a plan regardless". 

Howard's words were enough to put her at ease, and he promised he'd come and find her if he heard anything from the group. 

An overwhelming feeling of tiredness began to set in and once Bridgette was back within her room, she fell into slumber, waking in the early hours as there was a knock on the door. Instantly awake,  she got up and hurried to open in, expecting to see Howard there, or even Steve himself. 

But instead it was Peggy, and judging by her expression, Bridgette instantly knew what had happened. "No..." she shook her head slowly, "No, no, no...." 

"I'm so sorry..." Peggy whispered, now catching her as her friend's legs gave way from underneath her, the shock and realisation setting in.

All that could be heard throughout the bunker were the agonised screams of the Captain's wife. The sound that was enough to confirm his fate to everyone.

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