Chapter 12

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So far nothing had been heard from Steve or the group since they'd left. They'd had hopes that a code or telegram would have come in - but the situation was a delicate one. Bridgette had tried to keep herself busy and as distant from others as possible - although working in the hospital wing, she couldn't really avoid patients. 

"Nurse Rogers! Come see to Agent Carter, she's injured herself on a mission". The matron barked her order before disappering to go and tend to another patient. 

Peggy Carter was sat on one of the beds and looked a little pained, now smiling lightly as Bridgette came over. "You must be Captain Rogers wife? I'm Peggy". She now introduced herself and winced slightly, holding her side. "I think I may have broken one of my ribs, if not a couple". 

Bridgette gestured for her to lie down and closed the curtain around them so as she could examine her. "Steven mentioned you..." She now said, "Would you mind if you could just pull your shirt up?" Peggy did as asked and now Bridgette looked at the area that was bruised, feeling to see whether anything was broken. 

"I'm sorry I haven't got around to introducing myself earlier, the Colonel has me running around after him and I'm sure he enjoys giving me the hard tasks". She laughed lightly. 

"Well, you'll be pleased to know that nothing is broken, just badly bruised. You'll feel tender for a few days, so best to leave the running around to someone else". 

Peggy tucked her shirt back into her skirt and gingerly sat up. "Thank has it been since Steve left?" She now asked. "Are they being kind to you?" 

Bridgette opened the curtain, "No one is ever kind to me. Just him". 

"Well, if you need a friend? I'm here". 

"You do not have to be kind to me because Steve has asked it from you Agent. I know that you still think me a threat of some sorts to your organisation, and I do not blame you for it". She paused. "I never asked for him to do what he did, in some ways it's made things a little more difficult. I may have a man who is now my husband - but I have never felt so alone. I am alienated and I fear that once the war is over then I will be even more so". 

Peggy was silent for a moment. "Bridgette...I can call you that can't I?" 

"It's better than some of the names they call me here". 

"Bridgette. I'm not being kind because Steve asked me to. I'm doing it because I believe that you were a victim of Hydra. Regardless of where you are from, you only came into this war wanting to help, just like everyone here and out on the battlefield. In return? you went through something that should never have been. It's not your fault, however jealousy is a strong trait, and one that many female agents have around here. You're young and pretty, but you also married a man who was very much sought after. Keep ignoring them, they'll soon get over themselves". 

Bridgette now looked at her. "Thank you Peggy". 

Peggy nodded and headed for the door. "If you wanted come company during lunch or even dinner, I'll be at my desk". 

"That would be nice". She said as she saw her out. "Perhaps I will see you for dinner then. I think the matron has a never ending list of tasks for me to do". 

"Then I'll come and get you, shall we say 5pm?" 

Bridgette nodded. "That sounds fine, and thank you Agent. I appreciate what you said". 

Peggy shrugged. "Most believe this to be men's work, but since the war has started, I believe that women have certainly shown they're more than capable of not just being made to slave over a hot stove all day and raise children". 

"When this is over...what will you do?" 

Her new friend looked thoughtful for a moment. "Hopefully enough to have earnt some respect amongst men. I believe we all deserve that". 

Bridgette couldn't  have agreed more with those words. Just respect amongst the people who worked here would be enough - but even she knew deep down that it would most likely never happen. 

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