Chapter 13

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It was nice to have an ally or two, and now just a few days after her first meeting with Peggy, Bridgette found herself falling into a routine of having supper together whilst the British agent would occasionally throw back rater amusing comebacks to both men and jealous agents alike. Bridgette wished she possessed as much confidence as her new friend did, but knew that she would simply be frowned upon even more for it if she had.

She often thought about Steve, wondering whether he was ok. Nothing had been reported to her in particular, but she knew that it would be if anything had happened.

The nights were lonely, having become used to his presence beside her. Lately her nightmares of Schmidt had worsened to the point where she'd wake drenched in her own sweat, shaking from how real it had been. Sleep was simply hard to come by, and whether it would improve once Steve had returned was yet to be determined.

"And they have still heard nothing?" She asked, stabbing at the measly excuse for food that they were all being served with. Rationing was taking its toll on everyone, but still - food was food. Bridgette was lucky to even be getting any at all.

"I'd tell you if anything had been reported. Sometimes weather conditions amongst other things can set back a mission. Steve's logical though, he'd have another plan aside from the one they have set". Peggy explained.

Bridgette nodded. "It does not surprise me...I still have so much to learn about him".

"And you will - ah there's Howard, I'll see whether he's heard anything". Peggy now spotted the scientist coming through the doors to the hall and waving him over. "Stark!"

Howard came over, hands in pockets and smiled at them both. "Double danger, evening ladies".

"Have we heard anything at all about the mission?" Peggy said, ignoring his flirtations. He could try as much as he liked but there was no way she'd touch him with a barge pole.

"Radio silent, but they have the best weapons and gear that I could come up with. There's always room for improvement though".

Bridgette made a face, "Somehow that does not put my mind at rest".

Howard smiled. "Don't sweat it nursie, Steve's gonna be back here before we know it. Sometimes communications have interference, could be that they can't let us know and are already on their way back to report to us".

"I hope so, it's worrying knowing just what he is up against - and perhaps now even worse". Her appetite had all but vanished and now she pushed her plate away. "I think I will have an early night, i'm not particularly hungry anymore..." Now rising from the table, "I'll see you both in the morning".

Hurrying out of the hall before either of her friends could say anything, she retreated back to her room and looked around.

Silence and emptiness.

Bridgette readied herself for bed, heading into the bathroom to clean her teeth and then preparing herself for another restless night.

But as she came out from the adjourning room, she stopped in her tracks on seeing the familiar figure standing there waiting patiently for her.


He looked tired, dirtied and bloodied, but he was back all the same. "Sorry, we couldn't radio in, so instead we had to wait for the air surveillance to get us - otherwise we'd have been back sooner".

She shook her head and now approached him, checking to see whether he had any cuts that needed cleaning.

Nothing thankfully.

"It's ok, what happened with the base? Did you destroy it?"

He nodded. "We did, first one down but more to go - it's gonna take some time".

"Have you spoken to the Colonel"

"A short time ago. A full briefing is 8am tomorrow morning, right now though? I need to clean myself up". He grinned.

Bridgette smiled lightly. "I will let you be then. I was about to go to bed myself".

"Get some sleep, we can talk more tomorrow".

She knew she wouldn't be able to but agreed all the same. If anything Steve looked exhausted and needed to sleep himself.
Settling into bed, she lay there whilst he went to shower and clean himself up from the mission, then joining her after and turning out the light.

"Have you been ok while I've been gone?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I've been fine".

"I was worried about you".

Bridgette shifted, "I've been ok, Peggy and I have been having supper together, she's been kind as has Howard, like you said".

"You need more allies than just me - Peg and Howard are both good ones. At least I know next time I leave you'll be fine with them here".

"Do you know when that will be?" She asked

Steve chuckled to himself. "Trying to get rid of me when I'm barely back?"

"I didn't mean..."

"I know Bridge, I was just kidding - and the serious answer is no. I have no idea. It takes a lot of planning surveillance of the surrounding area beforehand, the right weapons and equipment needed. It's a long job".

No doubt he'd be spending the next month or so hunched over maps and documents, forming another plan of action.
One base was located very near to another, so it would mean extended time away to deal with them both instead of coming back only to then leave again.

He'd missed her presence, sharing a tent with Bucky being a far cry from a bed with his wife. It was a wonder they'd not been attacked given that Dugan's snoring had kept them all awake.

"Get some sleep, you're probably exhausted". Bridgette told him.

"Is that a nurses order?"

"Yes it is". She laughed lightly and then pondered on whether to admit the next thought to him. "I, er...I missed you..." her voice trailing off as she felt a little embarrassed to say so.

Steve turned his head to her, being able to make her out through the darkness of the room. His next words making her feel not as awkward as she thought that she might.

"I missed you too Bridge".

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