Acid reflux-nick

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Your fit (i tried to make this more maleish than female for this fit as it is male reader)(also I'm not the best male reader writer so don't judge me please and thank you happy reading)

Your fit (i tried to make this more maleish than female for this fit as it is male reader)(also I'm not the best male reader writer so don't judge me please and thank you happy reading)

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So you and nick where going out for dinner and  you knew about his issues and you and him and his brothers are going out for dinner but it not going to turn out as planned.
You all had got food  you had ordered chicken soup and nick had got  this amazing Mac and cheese and chris had got some salad and matt had gotten this cheese steak witch looked amazing to you all ate and chatted about what ever had came up at the time.

Nick was starting to feel that feeling of heaviness in his upper chest/stomach then a hiccup came out his chest being very painful leading to him feeling very sick from barley eating any of his food.
"Hey I'm going to head to the bathroom"he says and you guys nod and he rushes of the men's bathroom as he felt like he was going to be sick so he got on his knees and leaned over the toilet.
He waited for this lump in his throat to come out but nothing was happening. So held his chest as there was this fire feeling in his chest that's spiking him in the heart and hitting his ribs so he sat on the floor and texted you to come.
(Back at the dinner table)
You get a text on your phone while you where talking about why cats are better to Chris and Matt.
"Who's it from"Matt asks "nick text me he said he was feeling sick and having heartburn" I say. "Yn he as acid reflux that's probably messing him up as he don't really care for it that well or go to a doctor"Chris says and you nod and tell them your rushing of the the bathroom to find nick and they nod.
(Back to the bathroom with nick)
He was sitting on the floor crying and confused and you rush to him hugging him softly and he putting his head on your shoulder.
"What hurts?" You ask "my chest and my upper stomach it hurts so fucking bad yn"he say as his lip wobbles as dating him and seeing his brothers that's when is going to cry again then seeing him going to the toilet to try puke again.
Nothing had came out and now he had this cough and was bloated now as nothing was coming up and he just felt so sick and miserable.
"Is there anything I can do for you sweetheart?"you say "I want to go home please"he says rolling his lip with his pointer  and tumb and tears in his eyes.
"Okay try throwing up before I tell them then we can go home"you say helping nick to the toilet.
He lets out a gag then upchucks this yellow colored liquid mixed it's stomach acid.
" it hurttttssss"he says full on crying his heart out.
"I know sweetie but we can go home I texted Matt and he said he can take care of Chris for the night anyways as we can go back to my place"you say and he nods and you give him tissue to wipe his face and he coughs into his arm and you got him a water and he said he had this sour taste in his mouth.
He hugged his brothers before you guys left and you had called abs Uber and had both gotten in.
"Yn"he says whispering "yea baby you okay"you ask and he points to his stomach then saying it hurts badly you put a hand on the top of his stomach/chest rubbing circles  and he sighed in satisfaction.
You guys got to your apartment and as he stayed over a whole lite he has a whole thing of clothes at your house so he changed into one of your sweaters and his sweats.
"Can I get a juice box"nick asks and you nod walk out your room to get a apple juice box and put the straw in for him and take it back to your room and he was sitting up right on his phone  a fist pressing on his chest.
"How do you feel now"you say handing him the box of juice and he takes it and drinks it from the straw trying to get that sour taste from his mouth.
Nick had fallen asleep from cuddling you and had a film going on in the background you where on your phone when you had heard whimpers from nick and you turn on the light at shake him awake and he looks at you again his eyes wide and then lip was quivering then the tears came from his eyes.
"Nick what's wrong"you ask "my-my sto-m-mah hu-r-r-t-t-s"he says and you rub the same spot on his chest to help with the crying and it helped and he was pretty sleepy as it was now late and you had a bucket for him and he cuddled into you and fell asleep in your arms.
The next morning he was feeling better but not all the way and y'all had a lazy day of cuddles and movies till he was better.

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