Wisdom teeth removal-Chris

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So today chris had to get his wisdom teeth out as it had been hurting him for a week and nick was going to drive you guys today

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So today chris had to get his wisdom teeth out as it had been hurting him for a week and nick was going to drive you guys today.
"Chris are you ready it's time to go!"you yell from your room then soon coming to his to see him half dressed  but as he was not in a shirt yet. "Yn I'm scared"he says sitting up on the bed his hands shaking and his lip quivering you hug him and he hugs back. "Can I bring my dog pillow pet"he asks. "Yea we can but we have to go now put on a shirt real quick"you say and he nods and puts on a random shirt and he shoes(the air forces)
You and him head to car with his pillow pet and nick drives y'all there.
—————————————————— (at the place)
"Chris sturniolo"the nurse says and you and Chris head back and nick hugs chris and you and you tell him you will call him to come and he nods then leaves. "Okay sir please sit on the bed and put on this gown I will give you privacy but keep your pants on but take off your shoes and change into these hospital socks."she says putting the stuff on thr bed next to him and close the curtain to the room.
He takes of his shirt and puts the gown on and the socks and sits on the bed. "Chris do you still feel scared?"you ask and he nods hugging his dog more(lets say he has a blanket to its a blue and green blanket) "well you don't need to be the nurse and doctors are very nice and they won't let anything bad happened to you and if they do I will sue them"you say as a joke getting a laugh from him and you ruffle his hair and kiss his forehead.
"Hello I'm nurse Anna I will be helping the doctor with your surgery I would like to tell you what will happen"she says sitting in a chair "so we will have Chris take some anesthesia and Ms.y/n will be able to be with chris before he goes to sleep and we will wheel his bed there and it might take chris a while to wake up but he will be kinda out of it and I will tell you more at that time"she says and you both thank her.
"Now I will be putting the anesthesia on you  now sir"she says getting the mask on his face. "Okay chris count down from 10"she says
"7"(he is out now holding your hand and you kiss his before he goes)
The doctors wheel his bed back into the room and you shake hands with the doctor "hello miss I'm doctor Jon and Chris was amazing not a single problem and make sure he eats soft food and I will write up a prescription for him to take and if he faces and more problems please come back to the hospital"he says and you thank him and he nods and leaves.
"Y/n?"Chris says words slurred by the gauze "yea buddy I'm right here"you say kissing his head "I feel like I'm on cloud nine baby"he says looking at you smiling. "Good you feel okay but how do you feel?"you ask "my throat hurts it feels sore and my stomach kinda hurts"he says. "Yea nausea is a side effect and what you said the doctor said you will be fine after a few days and nick and Matt want to see you"you say and he nods and smiles but kinda looks werid because of his puffed out cheeks and you smile back at him. "Yn can you sit on the bed?"he asks slurred. "Later the bed is to small hunny"you say and he nods sadly. "
Yn I had a dream"he says breaking the calm silence. "Oh what did you dream about?"you ask "we had a wedding and Matt and nick where there and my mom to and your family and,oh you had the most amazing dress and you looked so amazing on our special day"he says now sorta crying. "Aw baby don't cry it will be real"you say standing up to hug him.

Later Matt and nick came and then he was able to go home.
The doctor let you guys keep the chair for him so Chris doesn't have to walk and Matt wheels Chris into his room and helps him in the bed not before giving Chris a hug and Chris hugging back then you both saying by to Matt and you thanking him for the help.
"Yn I feel like I'm going to puke"he says holding his stomach. "Well how about you try and eat something"you say and he nods and you help him walk to the kitchen to get a popsicale for him and he sits on the couch with a bowl so it doesn't drip and a few blankets for him and he was able to finish the popsicale and now his head was on your chest and he had a blanket over him and he had only pucked twice and he said his mouth was sore and you had give him the medicine.
"Yn I love you"he says now looking at you
"I love you to babe"you says kissing his lips and then he puts his head back on your chest and you sing a random song(up top) for him and it lures him to sleep.

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