Sick on stage-matt

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This takes place during tour and then Matt has a stomach ache this morning and it gets worst right before the crew go on and your on tour with them as well.

Your fits

Your fits

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(White airforces for shoes) Song

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(White airforces for shoes)

(Starts now)(note I had never been to there tour so I'm making it up)(long one for y'all)
It was another day on tour and you guys where heading to New York  and Matt was laying in his bunk in his outfit for today and Matt was facing nervousness he had a bad stomachache and he was laying in his bunk tryin to sleep it of.
"Matt it's time to head to the stage"you say "I don't want to go my tummy hurts"he says pouting his lip and rubbing under his sweat and tee shirt rubbing his tummy. "Maybe you need to eat something you be fine now we have to go before we are late everyone his there already." You say and he nods with tears in his eyes that he blinks back.
He puts on his shoes and adds a chain and he closes his purple sweater and the followed you out closing the door and then toke your hand and rubbed his stomach still he was so scared for tonight he had this bad feeling something was gonna happen. "Where are we going again"he asks you. "Back stage to meet everyone and they order McDonald's so we can eat there since your hungry"you say and he nods sadly.
You guys walk in and see Madi and nick and Chris and Malcom.(in this one nick and Malcom are dating but in his main ones your the person he dates) the two are cuddling together and Chris was sleeping and madi was on her phone til she saw you guys.
"Hey yn,hey Matt"she's says giving you guys a hug and she notices something wrong when she hugs Matt but doesn't say and you sit and begin talking and Matt  goes over to table with bags from McDonald's and got a plate.
I grab a plate from the table and I look in all the bags the smell of the food makes my stomach cramp up under my top. I go and grab something small so it don't make my stomach hurt more and I get this weird feeling like I'm gonna puke but I swallow the nauseous feeling down and I feel my stomach gurgle from that. I add some fries and a few nuggets to plate and I grab a  root beer and then head back over to you and I sit down with the plate on my lap and yn looks over at me.
"Hey Matt can I have some of your fries please"she asks and I nod and she takes some off my plate and I internally thank her so I don't have to eat that much and I start to eat when I feel my stomach growling under my top so I put a hand on it and use my other hand to take small bites of the chicken and I feel my stomach growling unhappily at the  food witch I normally love but it's now making me feel more sick.
I eat the rest pushing through that feeling and then I get up to throw away my plate and then sit back down next to yn and Madi. "Can I have a hug please"I say and they look over at me. "Yea sure want one from both of us or just me"yn says and I say both and they both get up and I hug you and I feel her kiss my forehead and I kiss her lips then let go to hug Madi. Madi has always been like a little sister to me from the day we all met her and her mom. Her hugs help me so much and I take in that moment til I back up feeling a gag about to happen and I don't want to throw up on Madi so I step back and the mumble bathroom then rush off the the bathroom and I stand by the sink and I put my finger down my throat and I gag but nothing comes up I'm just stuck.
I look in the mirror and see my eyes are red from the gagging and I look the way I feel but I can't tell anyone I don't want to ruin the show for everyone else.
I dry my eyes and the try and make my self look normal and then I leave the room and I rub my aching stomach then I  walk then I turn the corner and drop my hand to my side and I see everyone standing up ready to go and I don't see yn but maybe she is already in the crowd. I need to tell someone about my situation so I go over to nick. "Nick can I talk you over here"I say and he nods following me to a private area. "What's up sweetie(platonic)"he asks me "well my stomach hurts so bad and I keep feeling I'm gonna throw up and I have these cramps and I don't know what to do"I says feeling tears come to my eyes but I wipe them away. "Aw Matty I'm sorry you feel bad"he says pulling me into a hug that always makes me feel comfortable. "Do you know when it happened"he asks me "this morning I woke up feeling bad I thought it was from nerves but I think it's more and I don't want to say anything so I don't ruin the show so please don't tell anyone about this" I say to him ms he nods cuddling me closer into his arms. I feel tears in my eyes but I blink them away and then we let go and he looks at me one last time.
"If you feel bad or are gonna puke try and run off and I can cover for you just give me the look."he says to me before walking off to behind the stage and I follow him and he puts and arm around my shoulder and give me a look to make me feel okay.
I was in the crowd with these two teen girls who are my and the boys fans we toke some photos  then I hear the music(umm I'm gonna say the walk out to kiss you one direction) and the fans go crazy and I see Matt looking pale and nicks arm is around him and he sees me and gives me a smile that doesn't look to real but smile back to him.
"Is it me or does Matt look sick"the girl I my right says next to me who's name is Alice. "Yea he does but it could be the lighting"I say to her and she nod's turning back to the stage.
I was on stage and the lights made me feel horrible and hot and my stomach was hurting so bad I turn around away from the crowd and I rub it bitting my lip so I don't let out the whimpers that had been building up. Madi was also gonna come on stage but later because it's just us now for q and a and I was able to turn around my lip still and the girls in the front row go crazy then I stop so I don't drag attention to me than the other two boys. My hearing becomes muffled and my stomach lurches to my throat and I can't swallow this.
So I give nick the look and he nods as I bolt of the stage to the bathroom and I get in my knees rubbing my tummy feeling a growl and I push down on it and then the lump in my chest came out into the toilet and I was crying and sobbing all I wanted was yn or nick.  Or anyone I just don't want to be alone I'm scared and crying and my stomach hurts so bad ,I grab my phone and then call you.
Hey what's happen I saw you you run off
I have this killer  tummy ache and I need someone I'm backstage in the bathroom please come
Okay I'm coming hold on and sit tight and keep thinking about me till I get there
(Line goes dead)
I think about yn like she said all the happy things and times like the beach trip and the date nights and I close my eyes moving to the wall putting my head back and closing my eyes as tears come to my eyes at that sick feeling again I curl up into a ball and I cry making me have a headache.
I hear the door open and I wipe my eyes and I see her and she sends me a sad smile. "Hunny why didn't you tell me? I could I have helped you" she says sitting on the ground next to me as she stokes my hair and wipes my eyes and I just shrug at her putting my head on my knees. "Can we go back to the bus please"I say and she nods helping me up and she grabs some tissue and then wets with some water and dabs my eyes and then we walk out the place and make it to the bus.
We both change into something more comfortable and then she got into my bunk and we cuddled til I fell asleep.
"Love you yn" i slurred out
"Love you to now get some sleep you need to to get better"she says and I feel her kiss my cheek and then I was soon asleep in my lovers arms.

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