When Kayden Met Robert

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Kayden(5), Robert(4), Seth(45), Linda(45)

On September 6th of 1910, then 4½ years old Robert LaTierri walked inside his classroom with his parents behind him. "Oh Seth, I can't believe our little Bambino is already going to school." Robert's mother, Linda LaTierri, cried as Seth smiled and kissed her cheek. "He's just a little baby!" Seth chuckled at her.

He puts a comforting hand around shoulders.

"I know, but sadly we gotta let our little man grow up." Seth spoke.

Robert looks up at his parents.

"Daddy, why is mommy crying?" Robert asked.

They chuckled at him as Seth picked him up.

"Nothing buddy, you have a great day buddy. Ok?" Seth smiled.

"Ok!" Robert beamed.

Seth and Linda awed at him as Linda hugs Robert tightly.

"Stop growing my baby boy!" Linda cried.

"Ok mommy." Robert said, kissing her cheek.

Seth, Linda and the teacher awed him.

"What a sweet boy." The teacher smiled.

Linda puts Robert down.

"Bye-bye, my little baby." Linda said as she kissed cheek.

"Bye mommy!" Robert smiled up at her.

Then he looks out of the window.

"Look daddy, police car!" Robert exclaimed.

He went over to the window to see the police car passing by, while Seth smiled and leaned down to his son's size.

"Yep. Maybe one day, you'll get to drive it." Seth said, kissing his cheek.

"I really hope so!" Robert smiled.

Seth chuckled at him as Robert walked away from the window and saw a boy with dirty blonde hair sitting by himself, playing with toy cars.

"Look daddy!" Robert pointed. "Can I go play?"

Seth chuckled and nodded.

"Of course you can, bud." Seth said to him.

"Thanks daddy! I love you!" Robert hugged his father.

"I love you too, son." Seth smiled. "Go have fun!"

Robert runs to hug Linda.

"Bye mommy! I love you!" Robert said, looking up at his mother.

Linda awed at him as she picked him up and kissed his cheek before putting him down.

"Have a great first day, honey." Linda smiled at him.

"I will, mommy." Robert replied, making the adults chuckle at him.

Robert walked over to the little boy.

"Hi!" Robert spoke.

The little boy looked up at him and smiled.

"Hi!" The little boy smiled back.

"I'm Robert LaTierri." Robert introduced himself.

"Kayden Murdoch." The boy said as he stood up.

"It's very nice to meet you, Kayden." Robert said as they shook hands.

Seth walked back to Linda and the teacher, they were awing how adorable they were.

"You too!" Kayden smiled. "Wanna be best friends?"

Robert's smile grew big.

"You bet!" Robert grinned.

Seth chuckled slightly while the ladies softly put their hands over their hearts.

"Alright!" Kayden cheered.

The adult smiled at the two, now best friends. They knew that the boys will be best friends for life, literally. All day along, Kayden and Robert did not leave each other's side.

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