How Peter Met Peyton

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Peter(11), Peyton(11), Eugenio(10)

On December 22 of 1916, now 11½ years old Peter Jacobs was sitting in his last hour classroom, talking to his good friend and classmate, Eugenio Felsnic. The teacher wanted her students to have a great last hour of school, so she decided to let them take a break from studying and reward them. Just then the school bell rang, alerting everyone that school had ended. "Yes, we can finally leave!" Peter shouts happily as he and his classmates run out of the classroom before saying goodbye to their teacher.

Peter and Eugenio walked over to their lockers.

"I am so nervous about my new school after the holiday." Eugenio said as he grabbed his books.

"You're gonna do great." Peter tells him as he shut his locker.

"I hope so." Eugenio replied.

Peter chuckled at him and patted his shoulder.

"My mother promised that the school there is great." He added. "I just hope she's right."

Peter laughs as they start to walk away from their lockers.

"You'll be great." Peter tells him. "If anyone bothers you, the guys and I will come to visit and deal with them for ya."

The boys laughed as they turned and walked around the corner to the exit of the school. But they stopped when Peter saw a young blonde hair girl at her locker.

"She's cute." Eugenio commented.

Peter nodded a little.

"Go over there and say hi." Eugenio ushers him.

"I can't." Peter told him.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I'm not like Dylan or Kayden." Peter tells him. "Or like Robert and David."

"Pete," Eugenio spoke. "You are a very handsome kid and I know you're very smooth with the girls." He added.

Peter lets out a sigh.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes!" Eugenio smiled. "Now I wanna learn from the best."

Peter smiled as they laughed.

"Well, since you looked up to me and here I go." He said.

Peter straightened his jacket and walked over to the girl, clearing his throat.

"Um, hi..." He spoke as the girl looked over at him before shutting her locker.

"Oh, hello." The girl spoke.

"I'm Peter." Peter introduced himself. "Peter Jacobs."

He held his hand out to her.

"Peyton." The girl replied. "Peyton Tran."

They shook hands while smiling at each other.

"It's's really nice to meet you, Peyton." Peter spoke.

"You too." Peyton smiled, blushing a little.

Peter awed at how adorable she was.

"So...doing anything tomorrow?" He asked her.

"Not that I know of." She responds.

"Well um...would you like to come with me and my family to the Christmas light show tomorrow night?" He asked her. "You and your family are more than welcome to come buddies and their families are going."

Peyton smiled again.

"Thanks, we'll love that." She spoke.

"Sweet!" He smiled.

They both got shy and awkward.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked her.

"I'll love that." She said.

"Great!" Peter smiled. "Shall we?"

"We shall!" Peyton smiled.

Peter turned to give Eugenio a, "Ok" sign before holding Peyton's hand as they walked away.

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